List a patient's IV and Unit Dose medications. The output variables for
this entry point are:
For each Unit Dose order:
^UTILITY("PSG",$J,S1)=P1^P2^P3^P4^P5^P6^P7^P8^P9 where:
S1 = The inverse of the start date/time of the order. If this subscript
already exists, .000001 is subtracted from the date until it does not
equal an existing subscript.
P1 = The start date/time of the order.
P2 = The stop dat/time of the order.
P3 = The drug in the form of:
a) If there is more than one dispense drug or a dosage ordered entered
for the order
- pointer to Orderable Item_:PS(50.7,_;_Orderable Item name_Dose Form
b) If there is only one dispense drug and no dosage ordered entered
for the order
- pointer to Dispense drug_:PSDRUG(_;_Dispense drug name
P4 = The provider in the form of - pointer to the New Person
file_VA(200_;_name of the provider.
P5 = The status of the order in the form of - status code_;_status name.
P6 = The dosage ordered in the form of:
a) If Orderable Item was sent in P3
- Dosage ordered
b) If Dispense Drug was sent in P3
- Units Per Dose entered
P7 = The med route of the order in the form of - pointer to the med route
file_:PS(51.2,;_med route abbreviation_;_med route name.
P8 = The schedule of the order.
P9 = The schedule type of the order in the form of - schedule type
code_;_schedule type name.
For each IV order:
^UTILITY("PSIV",$J,S1,"S",S2)=P9^P10 where:
S1 = The inverse of the start date/time of the order. If this subscript
already exists, .000001 is subtracted from the date until it does
not equal an existing subscript.
S2 = A sequential number.
P1 = The start date/time of the order.
P2 = The stop dat/time of the order.
P3 = The provider in the form of - pointer to the New Person
file_VA(200_;_name of the provider.
P4 = The status of the order in the form of - status code_;_status name.
P5 = The infusion rate of the order
P6 = The schedule of the order.
P7 = An additive of the order in the form of - pointer to the IV
Additive file_;_additive name.
P8 = The strength of the additive in P7.
P9 = A solution of the order in the form of - pointer to the IV
Solutions file_;_solution name.
P10 = The volume of the solution in P9.
Input |
Internal entry number of the patient in the PATIENT
file (2) for which orders are to be returned.
Input |
Internal VA Fileman date (opt). If PSJEDT is null,
all Inpatient orders active on or after the current date/time are returned. If
PSJEDT contains a date, all Inpatient orders active on or after that date are