Output |
(Required) Return array where
DSIC(1) = 1^ if everything was successfully filed
= -1^error message if any problems encountered
DSIC(2...n) = additional error messages
Input |
(Required) This is the file (or subfile#) which is to
be updated.
Input |
(Required) This is the standard Fileman DBS IENS
which is the record# to be updated:
IENS="27," - update record# 27 in the file
IENS="3,27," - update the 3rd record in the
multiple indicated by the subfile# for the
27th record in the file
Input |
(Optional) Only acceptable value is "T" - transaction
processing, that is, all the fields must be successfully updated or none of
them are.
Input |
(Required) List where:
LIST[#] = p1^p2^p3 where
p1 - required - field #
p2 - optional - default value I
if p2="" then field value in internal format
="E" then field value in external format
="I" then field value in internal format
="W" then field is a word processing
see notes below
p3 - value for field# - if value is <null> or "@"
then that field will be deleted
NOTES on word processing fields
if LIST[#]=field#^W^@ - delete any existing text for that record
if LIST[#]=field#^W^text - this will first remove any existing text
for this field in this record and then add
the new text.
if LIST[#]=field#^WA^text - this will append the new text to any
existing text which may be there.
You cannot mix W and WA for any one field. p2 must be the same for all the
LIST[#] elements. Deletion of text, i.e. the "@" takes precedence over
anything else.