P1 |
Input |
The parameter reference used as a subscript to
identify the dosing checks data in the ^TMP global. This is an array
consisted of P(1)=Base, P(2)=Base1. The output will be returned in
^TMP($J,Base and ^TMP($J,Base1.
P2 |
Input |
Patient internal entry number(DFN). This input is
P3 |
Input |
This is an array consisted of the following data:
P("INF_RATE") = Infusion Rate [Required for Continuous IV Type] (Ex: 125
P("MR_IEN") = Medication Route Internal Entry Number
P("IV_TYPE") = 1 (Intermittent); 2 (Continuous)
P("SCHEDULE") = Administration Schedule (Free text)
P("TVOL_DUR") = Total Volume in the format of nUnit where n is a numeric
value and Unit of "H", "D", "L", "M", or, "DOSES". (Ex: 8H for 8 Hours, 2D for
2 Days, 1L for 1 Liter, 100M for 100ML, 3DOSES for 3 Doses)
P("AD",CNT) = P1^P2^P3^P4^P5
P("SOL",CNT) = P1^P2^P3^^P5
P1 = Pharmacy Orderable Item IEN (#50.7) associates with the Additive
or Solution
P2 = Drug name (displayable name such as CPRS OI name)
P3 = Strength of the Additive, or Volume for the Solution
P4 = IV bag # for additive only.
P5 = 1 if the Enhanced order checks were done. 0 if not.