url |
Input |
(Required) This is the URL (http://host:port/path) to
access. It could be as simple as "www.va.gov".
xt8flg |
Input |
(Optional) Request timeout. Default is 5 seconds.
xt8rdat |
Output |
(Required) Closed root of the variable where the
message body is returned. Data is stored in consecutive nodes (numbers
starting from 1). If a line is longer than 245 characters, only 245 characters
are stored in the corresponding node. After that, overflow sub-nodes are
created. For example:
@XT8RDAT@(5)="Beginning of a very long line"
@XT8RDAT@(5,1)="Continuation #1 of the long line"
@XT8RDAT@(5,2)="Continuation #2 of the long line"
xt8rhdr |
Output |
(Required) Reference to a local variable where the
parsed headers are returned. Header names are converted to upper case and the
values are left "as is". The root node contains the status line. For example:
XT8HDR="HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
XT8HDR("CONTENT-TYPE")="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
XT8HDR("DATE")="Thu, 25 Jun 2015 14:43:01 GMT"
XT8HDR("LAST-MODIFIED")="Mon, 08 Jun 2015 13:08:26 GMT"
XT8HDR("SERVER")="Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)"
xt8sdat |
Input |
(Optional) Closed root of a variable containing the
body of the request message. Data should be formatted as in variable XT8RDAT
above. If this parameter is defined, not empty, and the referenced array
contains data then the POST request is generated. Otherwise, the GET request
is sent.
xt8shdr |
Input |
(Optional) Reference to a local variable containing
header values, which will be added to the request. For example:
returns |
Output |
Success: HTTP_Status_Code^Description
Common HTTP status codes returned:
200 OK
301 Moved Permanently
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Time-out
500 Internal Server Error
505 HTTP Version not supported
Fail: -1^Error Descriptor (additional error information may be found in
the VistA error trap or ^XTER in programmer mode)