Additional package(s) have been added to this ICR as
subscribers. The listed packages may use standard FileMan APIs such as
$$GET1^DIQ to read the current value of the NAME and LOCK fields. It may
also be used to delete the current value of the LOCK field from an existing
option during a patch install since KIDS does not provide that capability.
The ICR supports the back-out/rollback process.
1) The following FileMan API is used to query for the NAME field (#.01) and
the LOCK field (#3) in the OPTION file (#19):
D LIST^DIC(19,"","@;.01I;.01;3I;3","PQ","","","","",LRSCR,"",,"LRMSG")
where LRSCR="I ($E(^(0),1,2)=""LA""!($E(^(0),1,2)=""LR""))"
2) The following FileMan API is used to update the LOCK field (#3) in the
OPTION file (#19):
where LROPT is the OPTION file (#19) IEN
LRVALI is the Name of the Key