Routine QIP3POLY reads the following fields: In file
55, PHARMACY PATIENT, the cross reference
The above references will be made from the QIP3POLY routine which, while
belonging to the QIP namespace, will be maintained by the pharmacy developers.
Coordination of release and patches will be through the QIP custodial ISC.
Amendment to DBIA 106 approved 10/10/93:
QUIC is requesting the following be added to DBIA #106. The additional
files/fields will be used to report the rate of completion of at least one
Glycosalated Hemoglobin measurement within one year for diabetic patients on a
medication regimen. #55, PHARMACY PATIENT file
.01 NAME
55.06,55.02,.01 DISPENSED DRUG
55.06,28 STATUS
55.01,55.02,.01 ADDITIVES
55.01,100 STATUS
Cross reference ^PS(55,DFN,5,"AUS",DATE/TIME,DA)
With the "AUS" cross reference, I am referencing the DISPENSE DRUG and TATUS
(#28) fields. 5,D0,5,D1,0)=^^^^^^^^ (#28) STATUS [9S] ^ (55,D0,5,D1,1,D2,0)=
(#.01) DISPENSE DRUG [1P] ^