This RPC saves all answers for an administration to the
MH ANSWERS (#601.85) file.
Input: YS("AD")=internal entry number of the MH ADMINISTRATION (#601.84)
YS(n)=File 601.72 IEN^File 601.75 IEN
where n and n1 are integers starting at 1.
The YS(n) array identifies the questions and responses for the administration.
The first piece of every YS(n) should be a pointer to an entry in the MH
QUESTIONS (#601.72) file. In most cases, the second piece will be a pointer to
an entry in the MH CHOICES (#601.75) file. If the response to the question is
not in FILE 601.75, the second piece is null and the YS(n,n1) value should be
defined with the text of the response.
Output: YSDATA(1)=[DATA]
YSDATA(2)=number of answers^OK
YSDATA(2)=error message
The release of patch YS*5.01.123 changes the routine name called by the RPC.
The routine before patch YS*5.01*123 is YTQAPI17, and the routine after the
patch isYTQAPI21. Input, output and tag name are not changed with this patch.
The above changes are dependent upon the release of CPRS v31A.