5. Direct reference to ^IBE(350.1,"B" to automatically
determine the IB CHARGE REMOVAL REASON of "RX DELETED" when a prescription is
6. Look-up by Outpatient Pharmacy to the IB CHARGE REMOVAL REASON file, as
this is passed back to Integrated Billing with cancel transactions.
The OUTPATIENT SITE File (#59) has a pointer field to the SERVICE/SECTION File
(#49). For Pharmacy Copay to work, this field must match the SERVICE Field
(#.04) for pharmacy action types in the IB ACTION TYPE File (#350.1). This is
done by checking the "ANEW" cross reference on the SERVICE Field (#.04) in
File 350.1 with a Direct Global read:
I '$D(^IBE(350.1,"ANEW",pharmacy pointer,1,1))...