VistA Radiology/Nuclear Medicine (VistA RIS) asks
permission to execute a KILL command to delete the file wide ^RADPT("RDE"
cross reference.
A VistA RIS post-init RAIPS119 will use a VA FileMan utility to delete the
"RDE" from the data dictionary of the RADIATION ABSORBED DOSE field:
Immediately after the call to that utility, the VistA RIS post-init RAIPS119
will follow with this command:
These two actions will remove the "RDE" cross reference definition and data
from the RAD/NUC MED PATIENT file.
This software will be included in a RA*5.0*119 post-init. This post-init will
be run only when versions of RA*5.0*119 are installed. Because of this special
issue a one-time request for permission to proceed is required.