Input |
The file number which contains the entity to search
components for.
Input |
The global location where the file's data is stored.
The location should not contain the leading caret.
Input |
The internal entry number of the entity in the
FILENUM file. This variable is optional. If it is not set, then all components
are returned.
Input |
The name of the subscript in the ^TMP($J) global
under which found components should be returned.
Output |
Found components are returned in the ^TMP($J,SUB)
global. This global has the following structure:
FILENUM: see the FILENUM input variable
FIEN: internal entry number of the entity in the
TYPE: type of component
"DEF" - Reminder Definition
"TERM" - Reminder Term
"DIALOG" - Reminder Dialog
"ROC" - Reminder Order Check Items Group
"OCRULE" - Reminder Order Check Rule
"LRULE" - Reminder List Rule
IEN: internal entry number of the component in
its respective file
NUM: When TYPE is "DEF" or "TERM", this is the
finding number.
When TYPE is "DIALOG", this is the field
number in the REMINDER DIALOG file that
references the entity.
For all other values of TYPE, this
subscript does not exist.
Output |
The ^TMP($J,"DLG FIND") global subscript is a
temporary index of dialog findings. Subscribing packages should kill this
subscript after calling this entry point.