Event Capture requests permission to delete and rebuild
the "LOC" cross-reference in the INSTITUTION file (#4).
Due to an issue resulting from changing the name of an entry in the
INSTITUTION file, the "LOC" cross-reference may no longer show the correct
facility name in the "LOC" cross-reference.
As a result, a direct kill of the cross-reference, using K ^DIC(4,"LOC") is
needed to completely delete the table as the KILL logic of the cross-reference
will not correctly remove incorrectly named entries.
After manually killing the cross-reference, a call to ENALL^DIK will be made
to rebuild the cross-reference using the most up-to-date facility names.
This request is for a one-time deletion and rebuild of the cross-reference in
the post-install process of patch EC*2.0*134.