The current verification cycle of Health Summary (v2.5)
has identified a number of references to fields in Laboratory files, most of
which were present in our previous version (v1.2), but which were not
documented in our DBIA's (#67, #71, or #155) with the LAB SERVICE Package.
All Health Summary components which present Laboratory data have continued to
function without incident at all sites where Health Summary is known to be in
use, but we wanted to be sure that all of our external references were known
to the developers of the custodial packages, if only to avoid the potential
for future surprises. So, the previously undocumented references include:
Global: ^LR( File #: 63 File Name: LAB DATA File
In all cases, before calling the appropriate extract routine, we check for the
existence of Laboratory data for the patient in question by evaluating the
condition: I '$D(^LR(LRDFN)) D NOLABS Q, where LRDFN is derived from: S
LRDFN=+^DPT(DFN,"LR"). These references were not expicitly documented in
existing DBIA's.
Node: "MI" Sub-file #: 63.05 Sub-File Name: MICROBIOLOGY
Sub-node: 3 Sub-Sub-file: 63.3 Sub-Sub-file Name: ORGANISM
Before extrancting antibiotic susceptibilities, we test for results
using the condition: I $O(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",IX,3,ISO,1)). Reference to this
multiple was not documented in existing DBIA's.
Sub-nodes: 5 & 6 Sub-Sub-file: 63.34 Sub-Sub-file Name: PARASITE
Before extracting parasitology data, we test for results using the condition:
Q:'($D(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",IX,5))&($D(^(6)))). (i.e., we only proceed when data
are available). Reference to these nodes was not documented in existing
Sub-nodes: 8&9 Sub-Sub-file: 63.37 Sub-Sub-file Name: FUNGUS/YEAST
Before extracting mycology data, we test for results using the condition:
Q:'($D(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",IX,8))&($D(^(9)))). (i.e., we only proceed when data
are available). Reference to these nodes was not documented in existing
Sub-nodes: 11&12 Sub-Sub-file: 63.39 Sub-Sub-file Name: MYCOBACTERIUM
Before extracting mycobacteriology data, we test for results using the
condition: Q:'($D(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",IX,11))&($D(^(12)))). (i.e., we only proceed
when data are available). Reference to these nodes was not documented in
existing DBIA's.
Sub-nodes: 16&17 Sub-Sub-file: 63.43 Sub-Sub-file Name: VIRUS
Before extracting virology data, we test for results using the condition:
Q:'($D(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",IX,16))&($D(^(17)))). (i.e., we only proceed when data
are available). Reference to these nodes was not documented in existing
Sub-node: 14 Sub-Sub-file: 63.42 Sub-Sub-file Name: ANTIBIOTIC LEVEL
Sub-Sub-node piece Sub-Sub-fld Sub-Sub-Fld Name
0 3 2 CONC(ug/ml)
Before checking for antibiotic serum levels under this multiple, we test for
results using the condition: I $D(^LR(LRDFN,"MI",IX,14)). This was added to
accommodate those sites which still store peak and trough antibiotic levels in
this manner, rather than under the "CH" subscript (e.g., Hines VAMC).
Node: "SP" Sub-file #: 63.08 Sub-File Name: SURGICAL PATHOLOGY
Sub-node piece Sub-fld Sub-Fld Name
(This sub-field was documented in DBIA #67, but was referred
to under its old field name "RELEASE REPORT")