.01 |
Read w/Fileman |
Name of List as defined by the user (i.e. Favorites)
0;1 |
.03 |
Read w/Fileman |
This determines what subset of the exams to display,
based on the Exam Status value. Choices are:
U -- UNREAD Exams only; Exam Status Category= E(xamined) R -- RECENT Exams;
Status Categories D(ictated) & T(ranscribed) A -- ALL Active Exams;
Categories E, D, & T P -- PENDING Exams; Category= W(aiting for Exam) N --
Newly-Interpreted; NO Category H -- History List; NO Category I -- Indexed
list; NO Category
List Types N, H and I are for internal use only, and are not available for
defining reports.
0;3 |
.06 |
Read w/Fileman |
Until the List definition is Enabled, it will not be
available for use from the VistARad Workstation; this allows you time to
develop and/or modify list definitions without worrying about end-users
accessing a fully-defined list. Also, you can retire a list that is no longer
needed by deleting this field's answer.
0;6 |
.07 |
Read w/Fileman |
List name displayed on the GUI application
0;7 |