Name | Value | |||||||||||||||||||||
NUMBER | 7492 | |||||||||||||||||||||
IA # | 7492 | |||||||||||||||||||||
DATE CREATED | 2024/09/09 | |||||||||||||||||||||
USAGE | Private | |||||||||||||||||||||
TYPE | Remote Procedure | |||||||||||||||||||||
DBIC APPROVAL STATUS | APPROVED | |||||||||||||||||||||
ROUTINE | PSOEPUT2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
NAME | PSO EPCS PSDRPH FILER | |||||||||||||||||||||
GENERAL DESCRIPTION | The Web Veteran's Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Remote Access Management (WebVRAM) application requires a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) that allocates and deallocates the PSDRPH key to a specific user and logs the event in the XUEPCS PSDRPH AUDIT file (#8991.7). The PSO EPCS PSDRPH FILER RPC has been created to allocate and de-allocate and audit the assignment/unassignment of the PSDRPH key. Remote Procedure: PSO EPCS PSDRPH FILER --------------------------------------- ROUTINE: PSOEPUT2 COMPONENT: PSDKEY DESCRIPTION: The PSDKEY entry point is invoked by the PSO EPCS PSDRPH FILER Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to perform allocation and deallocation of the PSDRPH key, and log the event in the XUEPCS PSDRPH AUDIT file (#8991.7). VARIABLES: PSOSUBJ (Input) The NEW PERSON (#200) file Internal Entry Number (IEN) of the user to whom the PSDRPH key is being allocated or deallocated. VARIABLES: PSOACTOR (Input) The NEW PERSON (#200) file Internal Entry Number (IEN) of the user performing the allocation or deallocation of the PSDRPH key. VARIABLES: PSOACTION (Input) A flag indicating the type of action to be taken, either "A" to allocate the PSDRPH key, or "D" to deallocate the PSDRPH key. VARIABLES: RESULTS (Output) The return value is 1 if the allocation or deallocation was successful. The return value is 0^Error Message Text if the allocation or deallocation was unsuccessful. Revision History - 10/16/24 The WebVRAM and Outpatient Pharmacy development teams are working together on the release of the RPC and the WebVRAM GUI changes to invoke the RPC. The Pharmacy patch is PSO*7*732 and the WEBG patch is WEBG*3*21. The ICR that authorizes Pharmacy's reference to file 8991.7 is #7016. This RPC performs the same function as the Allocate/De-Allocate of PSDRPH Key (Audited) [PSO EPCS PSDRPH KEY]. WebVRAM's subscription to ICR 7016 is valid only as long as ICR 7492 is active. |
STATUS | Active | |||||||||||||||||||||
KEYWORDS | PSDRPH | |||||||||||||||||||||
DURATION | Till Otherwise Agreed | |||||||||||||||||||||
ID | PSOEPUT2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
DATE ACTIVATED | 2024/10/16 |