This cross-reference builds two indexes, one for finding
STATUS can be "A" for active or "I" for inactive. PRIORITY
can be "A" for acute or "C" for chronic. If PRIORITY is
missing, then a "U" will be stored in the Index. For
Problems whose PRIORITY is "C", Clinical Reminders uses
today's date for the date of the Problem. In all other
cases, Clinical Reminders uses DLM, where DLM is the Date
Last Modified. When Problems are "removed", then CONDITION
is set to "H" for hidden. Hidden Problems are not indexed.
For complete details, see the Clinical Reminders Index
Technical Guide/Programmer's Manual.
all patients with a particular SNOMED CT code and one for
finding all the SNOMED CT codes a patient has. The indexes are
stored in the Clinical Reminders Index global as:
CODESYS is the standard three-character abbreviation for the coding system.