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This file contains the functions needed to support evaluation of data access Policies in file #1.6. See the VA FileMan Programmer Manual for full details of local variables available to use, and output requirements of each type. Attribute functions may use variables such as the current file (DIFN) and record number (DIENS) to set DIVAL("attribute")="value" with the attributes that will be needed to evaluate the policy. Condition functions often look beyond the record, at a user's keys or role for example, and should return a boolean result in Y. Result functions may look at the DIRESULT variable, if it is set to P or D, and should return a boolean value in Y indicating if processing is done. Obligation functions may perform any tasks needed by the application, such as logging access granted to a file, and do not need to return a value.
HELP-PROMPT: Select the type or usage of this function.
This field indicates the expected usage of this function; it will be used to screen potential selections for the various function fields of a policy in the Policy Editor.
HELP-PROMPT: For Result functions, select the value to return in place of null.
DESCRIPTION: This field is only used with Result functions, when a specific result must be returned for the policy; if a permit or deny result could not be determined for the policy or set, the value saved in this field will be
returned as the result. It is recommended to use result functions with a null value with top-level policies, otherwise processing logic within a policy could be inadvertently altered.
DESCRIPTION: This is the M code that will be executed for this function. See the VA FileMan Programmer Manual for full details on available variables and expected output. Attribute functions should set any needed record elements in the
DIVAL("attribute")="value" array; Condition and Result functions should return a boolean value in Y. Obligation functions may perform any tasks needed by the application.
This field contains a brief description of the function; it should include any input variables required, the expected output, and any possible error messages.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter a description of this function, including input and output variables.
This field contains a brief description of the function; it should include any input variables required, the expected output, and any possible error messages.