Package List
Routine Alphabetical List
Global Alphabetical List
FileMan Files List
FileMan Sub-Files List
Package Component Lists
Package-Namespace Mapping
Welcome to VistA Cross Reference Documentation Page.
This documentation is generated with the results of XINDEX and
FileMan Data Dictionary utility running against the VistA code base pulled
from the
FOIA site.
This documentation provides direct dependency information among packages,
among FileMan files, between globals and routines,
as well as direct call/caller graphs and source code for individual routine.
How to use this documentation
To view information related to a specified package like dependency graph,
assigned namespaces, FileMan files, globals and routines list, please click
"Package List" link at the top
and select the package that you are interested in.
To view information related to a specified FileMan file like fields,
direct access routines and FileMan pointer dependency list, please click
"FileMan Files List" link at
the top and select the FileMan file that you are interested in.
To view information related to a specified routine/global, you can either
find the routine/global via
"Routine Alphabetical List"/
"Global Alphabetical List" link or
under the individual package page.
The information in this instance of DOX was generated on: 2025-03-14 from the repository with a Git hash of: Non-Git Directory