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Global: ^DIC(627

Package: Mental Health

Global: ^DIC(627


FileMan FileNo FileMan Filename Package
627 DSM3 Mental Health


Directly Accessed By Routines, Total: 3

Package Total Routines
Mental Health 3 ^DIC(627    YSXRAW1    YSXRAW2    

Pointed To By FileMan Files, Total: 1

Package Total FileMan Files
Mental Health 1 MEDICAL RECORD(#90)[102102.6#90.04(.01)#90.06(.01)#90.07(.01)]    

Fields, Total: 7

Field # Name Loc Type Details

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:+X'=X!(X>999)!(X<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  AUG 10, 1993
    This number is the official DSM 3 diagnosis number. It has been placed in the field which reflects the internal entry number. Added diagnoses should follow this.
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>100!($L(X)<2)!'(X'?1P.E)!(X'?.ANP) X
  • LAST EDITED:  OCT 04, 1983
    This is the official name of the DSM 3 diagnosis. It should be in caps and lower case. A few long names are abbreviated to avoid screen wraparound on display at lookup.
    1)= S ^DIC(627,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^DIC(627,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>8!($L(X)<3) X
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Enter the DSM III code
    This is the International Classification of Diseases code number for the DSM 3 diagnosis. Not currently displayed to users, it will be available to MAS if they need to use the ICDA code for their statistics.
    1)= S ^DIC(627,"D",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^DIC(627,"D",$E(X,1,30),DA)
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>8!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  FEB 16, 1984
    This is the DSM 3 code number.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) S X=" "_X K:$L(X)>200!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  OCT 04, 1983
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Type in KEYWORDS or KEYWORD fragments separated by blank spaces to name the diagnosis. For example, 'MAJ DEP' will display the various Major Depressions.
  • DESCRIPTION:  This field contains, in capital letters, the KEY words describing the diagnosis. The multiple keyword fragment lookup allows looking up that diagnosis by several keywords (including synonyms). For example, 'HEROIN' will
    work as well as 'OPIATE' for looking up opiate dependency. One can look up this diagnosis by typing keyword fragments separated by blank spaces: e.g. 'HER DEP' or 'OPIA DEP'.
    1)= F %=1:1 Q:$P(X," ",%,99)="" S I=$P(X," ",%) I $L(I)>2,$L(I)<31,^DD("KWIC")'[I S ^DIC(627,"E",I,DA)=""
    2)= F %=1:1 Q:$P(X," ",%,99)="" S I=$P(X," ",%) I $L(I)>2,$L(I)<31 K ^DIC(627,"E",I,DA)

  • MUMPS CODE:  S Y(627,4,1)=$S($D(^DIC(627,D0,0)):^(0),1:"") S X=$P(Y(627,4,1),U,2)
    This field is pulled from the ICDA number.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:+X'=X!(X>999999)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
  • LAST EDITED:  NOV 23, 1993
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Type a Number between 1 and 999999, 0 Decimal Digits
    This is the new IEN in the DSM (627.7) file.

Found Entries, Total: 350

*NAME: Axis III, Physical Disorders and Conditions    *NAME: Noncompliance with medical treatment    *NAME: Marital problem    *NAME: Parent-child problem    *NAME: Other specified family circumstances    *NAME: Occupational problem    *NAME: Academic problem    *NAME: Other interpersonal problem    
*NAME: Uncomplicated bereavement    *NAME: Borderline intellectual functioning (V62.88)    *NAME: Phase of life, life circumstance problem    *NAME: Malingering (not attrib. to a mental disorder)    *NAME: Adult antisocial behavior    *NAME: Childhood or adolescent antisocial behavior    *NAME: No diagnosis on Axis II    *NAME: Primary degenerative dementia, senile onset, uncomplicated    
*NAME: Primary degenerative dementia, presenile onset, uncomplicated    *NAME: Primary degenerative dementia, presenile onset, with delirium    *NAME: Primary degenerative dementia, presenile onset, w/ delusions    *NAME: Primary degenerative dementia, presenile onset, w/ depression    *NAME: Primary degenerative dementia, senile onset, with delusions    *NAME: Primary degenerative dementia, senile onset, with depression    *NAME: Primary degenerative dementia, senile onset, with delirium    *NAME: Multi-infarct dementia, uncomplicated    
*NAME: Multi-infarct dementia, with delirium    *NAME: Multi-infarct dementia, with delusions    *NAME: Multi-infarct dementia, with depression    *NAME: Alcohol withdrawal delirium    *NAME: Alcohol amnestic disorder    *NAME: Dementia associated with alcoholism, unspecified    *NAME: Dementia associated with alcoholism, mild    *NAME: Dementia associated with alcoholism, moderate    
*NAME: Dementia associated with alcoholism, severe    *NAME: Alcohol hallucinosis    *NAME: Alcohol idiosyncratic intoxication    *NAME: Alcohol withdrawal    *NAME: Delirium    *NAME: Organic delusional syndrome    *NAME: Organic hallucinosis    *NAME: Organic affective syndrome    
*NAME: Amnestic syndrome    *NAME: Dementia    *NAME: Atypical or mixed organic brain syndrome    *NAME: Schizophrenia, disorganized, unspecified    *NAME: Schizophrenia, disorganized, subchronic    *NAME: Schizophrenia, disorganized, chronic    *NAME: Schizophrenia, disorganized, subchr. w/ acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, disorganized chronic w/ acute exacerb.    
*NAME: Schizophrenia, disorganized, in remission    *NAME: Schizophrenia, catatonic, unspecified    *NAME: Schizophrenia, catatonic, subchronic    *NAME: Schizophrenia, catatonic, chronic    *NAME: Schizophrenia, catatonic, subchr. w/ acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, catatonic, chronic w/ acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, catatonic, in remission    *NAME: Schizophrenia, paranoid, unspecified    
*NAME: Schizophrenia, paranoid, subchronic    *NAME: Schizophrenia, paranoid, chronic    *NAME: Schizophrenia, paranoid, subchr. w/ acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, paranoid, chronic w/ acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, paranoid, in remission    *NAME: Schizophreniform disorder    *NAME: Schizophrenia, residual, unspecified    *NAME: Schizophrenia, residual, subchronic    
*NAME: Schizophrenia, residual, chronic    *NAME: Schizophrenia, residual, subchr. w/ acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, residual, chronic w/ acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, residual, in remission    *NAME: Schizoaffective disorder    *NAME: Schizophrenia, undifferentiated, unspecified    *NAME: Schizophrenia, undifferentiated, subchronic    *NAME: Schizophrenia, undifferentiated, chronic    
*NAME: Schizophrenia, undifferentiated subchr. w/acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, undifferentiated,chronic w/acute exacerb.    *NAME: Schizophrenia, undifferentiated, in remission    *NAME: Major depression, single episode, unspecified    *NAME: Major depression, single episode, w/o melancholia    *NAME: Major depression, single episode, w/ melancholia    *NAME: Major depression, single episode, w/ psychotic features    *NAME: Major depression, single episode, in remission    
*NAME: Major depression, sngl. epis.,mood-incongr. psychot. feat.    *NAME: Major depression, recurrent, unspecified    *NAME: Major depression, recurrent, w/o melancholia    *NAME: Major depression, recurrent, w/ melancholia    *NAME: Major depression, recurrent, w/ psychotic features    *NAME: Major depression, recurrent, in remission    *NAME: Major depression, recurrent, mood-incongr. psychot. feat.    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, manic, unspecified    
*NAME: Bipolar disorder, manic, w/o psychotic features    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, manic, w/ psychotic features    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, manic, in remission    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, manic, mood-incongr. psychotic features    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, depressed, unspecified    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, depressed, w/o psychotic features    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, depressed, w/ melancholia    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, depressed, w/ psychotic features    
*NAME: Bipolar disorder, depressed, in remission    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, depressed, mood-incongr. psychotic feat.    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, mixed, unspecified    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, mixed, w/o psychotic features    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, mixed, w/ psychotic features    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, mixed, in remission    *NAME: Bipolar disorder, mixed, mood-incongr. psychotic features    *NAME: Atypical bipolar disorder    
*NAME: Atypical depression    *NAME: Paranoia    *NAME: Shared paranoid disorder    *NAME: Atypical paranoid disorder    *NAME: Acute paranoid disorder    *NAME: Brief reactive psychosis    *NAME: Atypical psychosis    *NAME: Infantile autism, full syndrome present    
*NAME: Infantile autism, residual state    *NAME: Atypical pervasive developmental disorder, full syndrome    *NAME: Atypical pervasive developmental disorder, resid. state    *NAME: Childhood onset pervasive devel. disorder, full syndrome    *NAME: Childhood onset pervasive devel. disorder, resid. state    *NAME: Atypical anxiety disorder    *NAME: Panic disorder    *NAME: Generalized anxiety disorder    
*NAME: Conversion disorder (Hysterical neurosis, conversion type)    *NAME: Psychogenic amnesia    *NAME: Psychogenic fugue    *NAME: Multiple personality    *NAME: Atypical dissociative disorder    *NAME: Factitious disorder with psychological symptoms    *NAME: Atypical factitious disorder w/ physical symptoms    *NAME: Agoraphobia with panic attacks    
*NAME: Agoraphobia without panic attacks    *NAME: Social phobia    *NAME: Simple phobia    *NAME: Obsessive compulsive disorder (neurosis)    *NAME: Dysthymic disorder (depressive neurosis)    *NAME: Depersonalization disorder (neurosis)    *NAME: Hypochondriasis (Hypochondriacal neurosis)    *NAME: Atypical somatoform disorder (300.71)    
*NAME: Somatization disorder    *NAME: Unspecified mental disorder (nonpsychotic)    *NAME: Paranoid personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Cyclothymic disorder    *NAME: Schizoid personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Schizotypal personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Compulsive personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Histrionic personality disorder (Axis II)    
*NAME: Chronic factitious disorder with physical symptoms    *NAME: Dependent personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Antisocial personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Narcissistic personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Avoidant personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Borderline personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Passive-Aggressive personality disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Atypical, mixed, other personality disorder (Axis II)    
*NAME: Ego-dystonic homosexuality    *NAME: Zoophilia    *NAME: Pedophilia    *NAME: Transvestism    *NAME: Exhibitionism    *NAME: Transsexualism, unspecified    *NAME: Transsexualism, asexual    *NAME: Transsexualism, homosexual    
*NAME: Transsexualism, heterosexual    *NAME: Gender identity disorder of childhood    *NAME: Atypical psychosexual dysfunction    *NAME: Inhibited sexual desire    *NAME: Inhibited sexual excitement    *NAME: Inhibited female orgasm    *NAME: Inhibited male orgasm    *NAME: Premature ejaculation    
*NAME: Functional dyspareunia    *NAME: Fetishism    *NAME: Voyeurism    *NAME: Sexual masochism    *NAME: Sexual sadism    *NAME: Atypical gender identity disorder    *NAME: Psychosexual disorder not elsewhere classified    *NAME: Alcohol intoxication    
*NAME: Alcohol dependence, unspecified    *NAME: Alcohol dependence, continuous    *NAME: Alcohol dependence, episodic    *NAME: Alcohol dependence, in remission    *NAME: Opioid dependence, unspecified    *NAME: Opioid dependence, continuous    *NAME: Opioid dependence, episodic    *NAME: Opioid dependence, in remission    
*NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent dependence, unspecified    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent dependence, continuous    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent dependence, episodic    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent dependence, in remission    *NAME: Cannabis dependence, unspecified    *NAME: Cannabis dependence, continuous    *NAME: Cannabis dependence, episodic    *NAME: Cannabis dependence, in remission    
*NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent dependence, unspecified    *NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent dependence, continuous    *NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent dependence, episodic    *NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent dependence, in remission    *NAME: Other specified substance dependence, unspecified    *NAME: Other specified substance dependence, continuous    *NAME: Other specified substance dependence, episodic    *NAME: Other specified substance dependence, in remission    
*NAME: Combined opioid and non-alcohol subst. depend., unspec.    *NAME: Combined opioid and non-alcohol subst. depend., continuous    *NAME: Combined opioid and non-alcohol subst. depend., episodic    *NAME: Combined opioid and non-alc. subst. depend., in remission    *NAME: Combined subst. abuse, excl. alcohol, opiates, unspecified    *NAME: Combined subst. abuse, excl. alcohol, opiates, continuous    *NAME: Combined subst. abuse, excl. alcohol, opiates, episodic    *NAME: Combined subst. abuse, excl. alc., opiates, in remission    
*NAME: Unspecified substance dependence, unspecified    *NAME: Unspecified substance dependence, continuous    *NAME: Unspecified substance dependence, episodic    *NAME: Unspecified substance dependence, in remission    *NAME: Alcohol abuse, unspecified    *NAME: Alcohol abuse, continuous    *NAME: Alcohol abuse, episodic    *NAME: Alcohol abuse, in remission    
*NAME: Tobacco dependence, unspecified    *NAME: Tobacco dependence, continuous    *NAME: Tobacco dependence, in remission    *NAME: Cannabis abuse, unspecified    *NAME: Cannabis abuse, continuous    *NAME: Cannabis abuse, episodic    *NAME: Cannabis abuse, in remission    *NAME: Hallucinogen abuse, unspecified    
*NAME: Hallucinogen abuse, continuous    *NAME: Hallucinogen abuse, episodic    *NAME: Hallucinogen abuse, in remission    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent abuse, unspecified    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent abuse, continuous    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent abuse, episodic    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent abuse, in remission    *NAME: Opioid abuse, unspecified    
*NAME: Opioid abuse, continuous    *NAME: Opioid abuse, episodic    *NAME: Opioid abuse, in remission    *NAME: Cocaine abuse, unspecified    *NAME: Cocaine abuse, continuous    *NAME: Cocaine abuse, episodic    *NAME: Cocaine abuse, in remission    *NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent abuse, unspecified    
*NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent abuse, continuous    *NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent abuse, episodic    *NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent abuse, in remission    *NAME: Other, mixed or unspecified substance abuse, unspecified    *NAME: Other, mixed or unspecified substance abuse, continuous    *NAME: Other, mixed or unspecified substance abuse, episodic    *NAME: Other, mixed or unspecified substance abuse, in remission    *NAME: Functional vaginismus    
*NAME: Stuttering    *NAME: Anorexia nervosa    *NAME: Atypical tic disorder    *NAME: Transient tic disorder    *NAME: Chronic motor tic disorder    *NAME: Tourette's disorder    *NAME: Atypical stereotyped movement disorder    *NAME: Sleepwalking disorder    
*NAME: Sleep terror disorder (307.49)    *NAME: Atypical eating disorder    *NAME: Bulimia    *NAME: Pica    *NAME: Rumination disorder of infancy    *NAME: Functional enuresis    *NAME: Functional encopresis    *NAME: Psychogenic pain disorder    
*NAME: Post-traumatic stress disorder, acute    *NAME: Adjustment disorder with depressed mood    *NAME: Separation anxiety disorder    *NAME: Adjustment disorder with work (or academic) inhibition    *NAME: Adjustment disorder with anxious mood    *NAME: Adjustment disorder w/ mixed emotional features    *NAME: Adjustment disorder w/ disturbance of conduct    *NAME: Adjustment disorder w/ mixed disturb. of emotions, conduct    
*NAME: Post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic or delayed    *NAME: Adjustment disorder with withdrawal    *NAME: Adjustment disorder with atypical features    *NAME: Conduct disorder, undersocialized, aggressive    *NAME: Conduct disorder, undersocialized, nonaggressive    *NAME: Conduct disorder, socialized, nonaggressive    *NAME: Conduct disorder, socialized, aggressive    *NAME: Pathological gambling    
*NAME: Kleptomania    *NAME: Pyromania    *NAME: Intermittent explosive disorder    *NAME: Isolated explosive disorder    *NAME: Atypical impulse control disorder    *NAME: Conduct disorder, atypical    *NAME: Overanxious disorder    *NAME: Avoidant disorder of childhood or adolescence    
*NAME: Schizoid disorder of childhood or adolescence    *NAME: Elective mutism    *NAME: Oppositional disorder    *NAME: Identity disorder    *NAME: Reactive attatchment disorder of infancy    *NAME: Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity    *NAME: Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity    *NAME: Attention deficit disorder, residual type    
*NAME: Developmental reading disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Developmental arithmetic disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Developmental language disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Developmental articulation disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Mixed specific developmental disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Atypical specific developmental disorder (Axis II)    *NAME: Psychological factors affecting physical condition    *NAME: Mild mental retardation, w/o other behavioral symptoms    
*NAME: Mild mental retardation, w/ other behavioral symptoms    *NAME: Moderate mental retardation, w/o other behavioral symptoms    *NAME: Moderate mental retardation, w/ other behavioral symptoms    *NAME: Severe mental retardation, w/o other behavioral symptoms    *NAME: Severe mental retardation, with other behavioral symptoms    *NAME: Profound mental retardation w/o other behavioral symptoms    *NAME: Profound mental retardation w/ other behavioral symptoms    *NAME: Unspecified mental retardation w/o other behavioral symptoms    
*NAME: Unspecified mental retardation, w/ other behavioral symptoms    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent intoxication (327.00)    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent withdrawal (327.01)    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent withdrawal delirium (327.02)    *NAME: Barbiturate or equivalent amnestic disorder (327.04)    *NAME: Opioid intoxication (327.10)    *NAME: Opioid withdrawal (327.11)    *NAME: Cocaine intoxication (327.2)    
*NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent intoxication (327.30)    *NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent withdrawal (327.31)    *NAME: Amphetamine or equivalent delirium (327.32)    *NAME: Amphetamine or equiv. delusional disorder (327.35)    *NAME: Phencyclidine or equivalent intoxication (327.40)    *NAME: Phencylidine or equivalent delirium (327.42)    *NAME: Phencyclidine or equiv. mixed organic mental disorder (327.49)    *NAME: Hallucinogen delusional disorder (327.55)    
*NAME: Hallucinogen hallucinosis (327.56)    *NAME: Hallucinogen affective disorder (327.57)    *NAME: Cannabis intoxication (327.60)    *NAME: Cannabis delusional disorder (327.65)    *NAME: Tobacco withdrawal (327.71)    *NAME: Caffeine intoxication (327.80)    *NAME: Other, unspecified substance intoxication (327.90)    *NAME: Other, unspecified substance withdrawal (327.91)    
*NAME: Other, unspecified substance delirium (327.92)    *NAME: Other, unspecified substance dementia (327.93)    *NAME: Other, unspecified substance amnestic disorder (327.94)    *NAME: Other, unspec. substance delusional disorder (327.95)    *NAME: Other, unspecified substance hallucinosis (327.96)    *NAME: Other, unspecified substance affective disorder (327.97)    *NAME: Other, unspecified substance personality disorder (327.98)    *NAME: Unspec. substance atyp. mixed org. mental disord. (327.99)    
*NAME: Phencyclidine or equivalent abuse, unspecified (328.40)    *NAME: Phencyclidine or equivalent abuse, continuous (328.41)    *NAME: Phencyclidine or equivalent abuse, episodic (328.42)    *NAME: Phencyclidine or equivalent abuse, in remission (328.43)    *NAME: Diagnosis deferred on Axis I    *NAME: Diagnosis deferred on Axis II    

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^DIC(627 - [#627] .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K), 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 3(XREF 1S), 3(XREF 1K), 4+1

Naked Globals

Name Field # of Occurrence
^("0" ID1+1
^(0 4+1

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> % 3(XREF 1S), 3(XREF 1K)
>> D0 4+1
>> DA .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K), 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 3(XREF 1S), 3(XREF 1K)
>> I 3(XREF 1S), 3(XREF 1K)
U ID1+1, 4+1
X .001+1!, .01+1!, .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K), 1+1!, 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 2+1!, 3+1!*, 3(XREF 1S)
3(XREF 1K), 4+1*, 20+1!
>> Y(627 4+1*
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