This file contains the major categories of areas that are used to address the severity of illness and intensity of service. Specific criteria for each category must be met to address appropriateness of admission to continued stay in and discharge from specialized units and general units. Do Not add to or delete from this file without instructions from your ISC. Editing this file may have significant impact on the QM national roll-up of Utilization Review information. The contents of this file are the general categories for Intesity of Service and Severity of Illness from Interqual. Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this file definition should not be modified.
DESCRIPTION: Enter whether this criteria is for general medical surgical ward or for a specialized unit as defined in the Interqual manual. Specialized units include not only ICU's and CCU's but some other non-critical care units that
one might not normally expect to see included in the list.