Used to map standard code system concepts to the related area of the Laboratory package database. It supports mapping codes used in the role identifying the result or expressing the answer. Examples of result codes are LOINC and VA NLT Test Result codes such as LOINC code 11475-1 MICROORGANISM IDENTIFIED: PRID:PT:XXX:NOM:CULTURE which represents the concept of organism identified. Examples of answer codes are SNOMED CT code 23506009 which is the term 'normal flora' or SNOMED CT code 30334005 AEROMONAS SALMONICIDA (ORGANISM) which represents the name of the organism identified. This file should not export its data via the standard KIDS data export mechanism. Because local codes can have the same identifier as national codes, the KIDS install may inadvertently overwrite local codes. Data exports should use a different mechanism, such as using KIDS Transport global to load the data onto the target system.
INPUT TRANSFORM: S DIC("S")="I $P($G(^(63)),U)'=""""" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=$G(DIE),X=+Y K:Y<0 X
HELP-PROMPT: Select the related database code entry.
DESCRIPTION: For 'result' type codes this field indicates the related area of the Laboratory package database where answers to this code area to be stored. The database code indicates the storage location within the Laboratory
SCREEN: S DIC("S")="I $P($G(^(63)),U)'="""""
EXPLANATION: Only allow selection of codes related to database entries.
Unique for: Key A (#74), File #62.47
Short Descr: Cross-reference database code with mapping concept
Description: Establish relationship between concept and related database storage location. Used to allow the same 'answer' code to be associated with multiple concepts and determine which concept the 'answer' code is to be associated
with for a specific instance.
Example is SNOMED CT code 23506009 is the term 'normal flora'. This term can be the 'answer' used in several places within the Lab DATA file (#63).
HELP-PROMPT: Select the alternate concept related to this concept.
DESCRIPTION: Used to designate an alternate concept when the answer associated with this concept is not in a form that can be stored within the current VistA database.
Example is when VistA expects to store the answer as a pointer to a VistA file and the instance of an answer is free text.
This field will point to a concept that will allow the answer to be stored in a field which can accept the answer.