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Info Desc Directly Accessed By Routines Accessed By FileMan Db Calls Pointer To FileMan Files Fields Global Variables Directly Accessed Local Variables
Entries in this file define standard inventories by defining the areas of use and type of inventory items inventoried. This saves the user from having to re-define the inventory boundaries every time a particular inventory is scheduled. Instead, the user can name inventory groups and the computer then knows what will be inventoried by accessing this file. APPLICATION GROUP(S): PSGW, PSD
INPUT TRANSFORM: K:$L(X)>30!(X?.N)!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E)!(X'?.ANP)!(X[",") X
HELP-PROMPT: Name must be 3-30 characters, not numeric or starting with punctuation
DESCRIPTION: This group name represents the Areas of Use which are inventoried together as a "batch" or "cluster". This grouping establishes the elements of the inventory so that they do not have to be redefined every time the
inventory is scheduled. Inventory groups may be established by (1) location, (2) time, (3) category or "type" of item to be inventoried, or any combination of these three.
DESCRIPTION: Enter name of AOU that is to be inventoried when specifying this inventory group at the time of creating an inventory date. This is a way to 'group' commonly inventoried AOUs under an easy to remember inventory group
This text describes the inventory group and its use, and perhaps the times when normally processed. This is purely for documentation of your site specific information.
This text describes the inventory group and its use, and perhaps the times when normally processed. This is purely for documentation of your site specific information.
DESCRIPTION: Enter name of NAOU that is to be inventoried when specifying this inventory group at the time of creating an inventory date. This is a way to "group" commonly inventoried NAOUs under an easy to remember inventory group