This file is used during extract processing when an extract definition's TYPE OF TOTALS field is defined with COMPLIANCE AND FINDING TOTALS. When the extract type is for COMPLIANCE TOTALS only, there will not be an extract counting rule defined in the REMINDER EXTRACT DEFINITION file (#810.2). When the extract type includes FINDING TOTALS, then the extract definition needs to reference a counting rule for each reminder processed by the extract. In the Extract definition, there is a basic hierarchy as follows Extract general information Patient List to build and list rules to build them Reminders to be run with the Patient List Extract Counting Rules that define how to count findings An entry in the REMINDER EXTRACT COUNTING RULE file identifies how groups of findings should be accumulated based on the reminder status. Each group of findings is defined as a counting group in the REMINDER EXTRACT COUNTING GROUP file (#810.8). One counting group can be referenced multiple times in a particular counting rule to collect counts in multiple ways. The unique combination of a counting group and a Reminder Status field is what makes the counts different. The Reminder Status field is the status associated with the patient when the reminder was evaluated. Each patient is always in the TOTAL PATIENTS count, but the patient is included in the APPLICABLE PATIENTS, DUE PATIENTS, or NOT DUE PATIENTS counts depending on the reminder status for each patient. For example: A counting group defined with possible LDL value ranges, can be defined to get multiple counts, depending on the patient's REMINDER STATUS. When TOTAL PATIENTS Reminder Status is defined with the counting group: Every patient in the patient list is used to find a match on the findings in the group. If a finding match is found, a count is accumulated into columns based on the reminder status of APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE, DUE or NOT DUE. When APPLICABLE PATIENTS Reminder Status is defined with the counting group: Patients from the patient list, where the reminder was applicable, are used to find a match on the findings in the group. If a finding match is found, a count is accumulated into columns for each finding in the group based on the reminder status of APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE, DUE or NOT DUE. Applicable patients should have 0 counts in the NOT APPLICABLE count for each finding. When DUE PATIENTS Reminder Status is defined with the counting group: Patients from the patient list, where the reminder was due are used to find a match on the findings in the group. If a finding match is found, a count is accumulated into columns for each finding in the group based on the reminder status of APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE, DUE or NOT DUE. Due patients should have 0 counts in the NOT APPLICABLE and NOT DUE count for each finding. When NOT DUE PATIENTS Reminder Status is defined with the counting group: Patients from the patient list, where the reminder was not due are used to find a match on the findings in the group. If a finding match is found, a count is accumulated into columns for each finding in the group based on the reminder status of APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE, DUE or NOT DUE. Due patients should have 0 counts in the NOT APPLICABLE and DUE count for each finding. The accumulated counts for each finding are stored in the REMINDER EXTRACT SUMMARY file (#810.3). The sequence number in the file determines the order the counts will be accumulated for, saved to, and displayed from the REMINDER EXTRACT SUMMARY file (#810.3). The counts can be used to make comparisons between TOTAL PATIENTS, APPLICABLE PATIENTS, DUE PATIENTS, and NOT DUE PATIENTS counts. If no counting groups are defined in the extract counting rule, then no finding totals will be accumulated. Nationally distributed extract counting rules are prefixed 'VA-' and cannot be modified by sites. Sites should name locally created extract counting rules according to their local naming convention.