The WII PARAMETERS file (#987.6) is a parameter file that controls what mail group notices are sent to and the mail server address of the central collection site. This file is populated with patch WII*1.0*1 and should not be edited at the local facility.
This field contains the mail group that the weekly background job [WII Build ADT Events] sends notices to. The members in this group are alerted that there are entries that need to be reviewed and transmitted.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the Vista Mail Server address. The address must be 10-60 characters in length and be that of a valid Vista Mail Server address.
This field contains the mail server address that approved data is sent to VIA a Vista Mail Server. This field is populated with the patch WII*1.0*1 and should not be edited.
At the release of patch WII*1.0*1 the repository mail server address is [S.WII ADT SERVER@WHITE-CITY.DOMAIN.EXT]. This should not be changed.