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Package: Progress Notes
Package: Progress Notes
Namespace: GMN
VA documentation in the VistA Documentation Library
ICR Entries, Total: 8
ICR Entry: 74
TYPE: File
Global Ref Called: GMR(121,
Status: Retired
Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 453
TYPE: File
Global Ref Called: GMR(121.2,
Status: Retired
Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 454
TYPE: File
Global Ref Called: GMR(121.1,
Status: Retired
Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 455
TYPE: Routine
Routine Called: GMRPART
Status: Retired
Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 538
TYPE: File
Global Ref Called: GMR(121.1,
Status: Retired
Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 906
TYPE: File
Global Ref Called: GMR(121.2,
Status: Retired
Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 1047
TYPE: File
Global Ref Called: GMR(121,
Status: Retired
Usage: Private
ICR Entry: 1078
TYPE: File
Global Ref Called: GMR
Status: Active
Usage: Controlled Subscription
ICR Entries