%ZOSVKSD ;OAK/KAK/RAK/JML - ZOSVKSD - Calculate Disk Capacity ;10/1/2020
Source file <ZOSVKSD.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(SITENUM,SESSNUM,OS) | ;-- called by routine SYS+2^KMPSLK
ALLOS | ; Using InterSystems APIs. Designed to work on all OS's
KMPVVSTM(KMPVDATA) | ; Get storage metrics for Vista Storage Monitor (VSTM) within VistA System Monitor (VSM)
KMPVVTCM(KMPVDATA) | ; Get Cache metrics for Vista Timed Collection Monitor (VTCM) within VistA System Monitor (VSM)
; ** Non interactive subset of Intersystems' ^BLKCOL routine - includes parts of BLKCOL and RUNERR line tags |
RUNERR | ; Trap errors