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Routine: %ZTM2

Package: Kernel

Routine: %ZTM2


%ZTM2 ;SEA/RDS-TaskMan: Manager, Part 4 (Link Handling 1) ;22 May 2003 10:17 am

Source Information

Source file <ZTM2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
XLINK ;SEND^%ZTM--determine routing of XCPU task
OCPU ;XLINK--send task to manager on another volume set
EROCPU ;OCPU--trap dropped link and reroute task
DOWN ;XLINK/EROCPU--reroute XCPU task whose link is down
D1 ;
REQRD ;DOWN--is dropped link required?
ORIGNL ;DOWN--give up trying to reroute; make it wait for original destination
LIST ;DOWN/ORIGNL--place task on waiting list for down volume
ERCL ;I2^%ZTM - error in C list
LKUP(VS) ;Lookup a VS and place in ZTVS
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