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Routine: %ZTMS1

Package: Kernel

Routine: %ZTMS1


%ZTMS1 ;SEA/RDS-TaskMan: Submanager, (Loop & Get Task) ;10/07/08 15:46

Source Information

Source file <ZTMS1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SUBMGR ;START--outer submanager loop
GETTASK ;SUBMGR--retain the partition; check Waiting Lists every 1 seconds
EXIT() ;GETTASK--decide whether to exit retention loop
NO ;Don't exit, Update status node
YES ;EXIT--Yes ;p446
C ;GETTASK--On C type volume sets, get tasks from Cross-Volume Job List
BALANCE() ;GETTASK--check load balance, and wait while Manager waits
JOB ;GETTASK--search Partition Waiting List
BADTASK ;JOB--unschedule tasks with bad numbers or incomplete records
IOQ ;GETTASK--search Device Waiting List, Lock IO then DEV.
I1() ;Keep 2 sec apart
DEVLK(X,ZIO,TO) ;1=Lock/-1=unlock the ^%ZTSCH("DEV",ZIO) node.
SUB(X) ;Inc/Dec SUB or return SUB count
JCNT(MAXWAIT) ;See if less that MaxWait tasks in JOB list p446
PDIFF(N,O,T) ;Positive Diff
DIFF(N,O,T) ;Diff in sec.
TSKSTAT(CODE,MSG) ;Update task's status
H3(%) ;Convert $H to seconds.
H0(%) ;Covert from seconds to $H
FIRST() ;See if SM with lowest $J
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