ACKQCDD1 ;AUG/JLTP-CDR Division Report, Interactive Help Text ; [ 04/26/96 10:28 ]
;;3.0;QUASAR;;Feb 11, 2000
;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine SHOULD NOT be modified.
SAVE ; help text for prompt 'Do you wish to save data'
W !
W !," Once each month you must run and save a CDR report for the month. It"
W !," will be saved in the A&SP WORKLOAD file (#509850.7). If you wish to"
W !," save the CDR you are about to run, answer YES. Otherwise answer NO."
W !
W !," If you are a multi-divisional site this report must be run each month"
W !," for each Division."
W !
W !," If you choose to save this CDR, it must be run for a single"
W !," entire month. If you choose not to save, you can run the CDR for"
W !," any date range you desire."
W !
DATES ; help text for date range input
W !
W !," Since you have chosen not to save this CDR, you may run it for"
W !," a single month or any other date range you desire. To run it for a"
W !," single month enter M. For a date range of your choosing, enter D."
W !
MONTH ; help text for month selection
W !
W !," Choose the month and year for which you wish to run the CDR"
W !," report. The month you choose must not be in the future."
W !
STARTD ; help text for start of date range
W !
W !," Enter the starting date for which you wish to run the CDR"
W !," report. Starting and ending dates must be exact dates and must not"
W !," be in the future. Starting and ending dates are inclusive."
W !
ENDD ; help text for end of date range
W !
W !," Enter the ending date for which you wish to run the CDR report."
W !," Starting and ending dates must be exact dates and must not be in the"
W !," future. Starting and ending dates are inclusive."
W !
TPH ; help text for total paid hours
W !
W !," Enter the total number of hours for which you have paid your"
W !," staff during the selected time period."
W !
FLAT ; help text for flat number of hours for ADMIN and CONT ED, or RESEARCH
W !
W !," If you answer YES, you will be asked only one time for a number"
W !," of hours that were spent for ",ACKCAT,"."
W !
W !," The hours you enter will then be evenly divided among all of the"
W !," ",ACKCAT," CDR accounts."
W !
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HACKQCDD1 2418 printed Dec 13, 2024@02:31:57 Page 2
ACKQCDD1 ;AUG/JLTP-CDR Division Report, Interactive Help Text ; [ 04/26/96 10:28 ]
+1 ;;3.0;QUASAR;;Feb 11, 2000
+2 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine SHOULD NOT be modified.
+3 ;
SAVE ; help text for prompt 'Do you wish to save data'
+1 WRITE !
+2 WRITE !," Once each month you must run and save a CDR report for the month. It"
+3 WRITE !," will be saved in the A&SP WORKLOAD file (#509850.7). If you wish to"
+4 WRITE !," save the CDR you are about to run, answer YES. Otherwise answer NO."
+5 WRITE !
+6 WRITE !," If you are a multi-divisional site this report must be run each month"
+7 WRITE !," for each Division."
+8 WRITE !
+9 WRITE !," If you choose to save this CDR, it must be run for a single"
+10 WRITE !," entire month. If you choose not to save, you can run the CDR for"
+11 WRITE !," any date range you desire."
+12 WRITE !
+13 QUIT
+14 ;
DATES ; help text for date range input
+1 WRITE !
+2 WRITE !," Since you have chosen not to save this CDR, you may run it for"
+3 WRITE !," a single month or any other date range you desire. To run it for a"
+4 WRITE !," single month enter M. For a date range of your choosing, enter D."
+5 WRITE !
+7 ;
MONTH ; help text for month selection
+1 WRITE !
+2 WRITE !," Choose the month and year for which you wish to run the CDR"
+3 WRITE !," report. The month you choose must not be in the future."
+4 WRITE !
STARTD ; help text for start of date range
+1 WRITE !
+2 WRITE !," Enter the starting date for which you wish to run the CDR"
+3 WRITE !," report. Starting and ending dates must be exact dates and must not"
+4 WRITE !," be in the future. Starting and ending dates are inclusive."
+5 WRITE !
ENDD ; help text for end of date range
+1 WRITE !
+2 WRITE !," Enter the ending date for which you wish to run the CDR report."
+3 WRITE !," Starting and ending dates must be exact dates and must not be in the"
+4 WRITE !," future. Starting and ending dates are inclusive."
+5 WRITE !
TPH ; help text for total paid hours
+1 WRITE !
+2 WRITE !," Enter the total number of hours for which you have paid your"
+3 WRITE !," staff during the selected time period."
+4 WRITE !
+6 ;;
FLAT ; help text for flat number of hours for ADMIN and CONT ED, or RESEARCH
+1 WRITE !
+2 WRITE !," If you answer YES, you will be asked only one time for a number"
+3 WRITE !," of hours that were spent for ",ACKCAT,"."
+4 WRITE !
+5 WRITE !," The hours you enter will then be evenly divided among all of the"
+6 WRITE !," ",ACKCAT," CDR accounts."
+7 WRITE !