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Routine: ACKQDWB

Package: Quasar

Routine: ACKQDWB


ACKQDWB ;AUG/JLTP BIR/PTD HCIOFO/BH-Compile A&SP Capitation Data - CONTINUED ; [ 12/05/95 10:33 ]

Source Information

Source file <ACKQDWB.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
BUILD ; Capitation report has been generated.
ABORT(ACKST) ; Abort bulletin. ACKST = reason for abort.
STAFF ;Create XMY( array using active supervisors from the A&SP STAFF file (#509850.3).
DIV ; Loops through the Entered Divisions and displays the ones appropriate
DIV1 ; Loops through all divisions and displays them
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