DENTXREF ;WASH-ISC/JAH- X-refs. for files 226 and 221 13:56 ;
Source file <DENTXREF.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
STATSET(STAT) | ;Set logic 4 xref on field .3,station.division,file 226,A1 index
STATKIL(STAT) | ;kill logic 4 xref on field stat.div,file 226
STASETT(STAT) | ;Set logic 4 xref on field .3,station.division,Treatment file 221
STAKILT(STAT) | ;kill logic 4 xref on field stat.div,Treatment file 221
ASET | ;Code to set "A" cross ref in file 221
AKILL | ;Code called by kill "A" cross reference of file 221
AC1SET | ;AC1 x-ref for field .4 in 221
AC1KILL | ;AC1 x-ref for field .4 in 221