- DG182PRE ;ALB/SEK - DG*5.3*182 Pre-Install Routine ; 14-AUGUST-1999
- ;;5.3;Registration;**182**;Aug 13, 1993
- ;
- ;
- EN ; Description: This entry point will be used as a driver for
- ; pre-installation updates.
- ;
- ; Delete the STATUS field (#.03) from the ANNUAL MEANS TEST file (#408.31) and not the data.
- ;
- Q
- ;
- ;
- DELSTAT ; This procedure will delete the STATUS field (#03) from the
- ; ANNUAL MEANS TEST file (#408.31) and not the data.
- ;
- D BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Deleting the STATUS field (#.03) of the")
- D MES^XPDUTL(" ANNUAL MEANS TEST file (#408.31)")
- D MES^XPDUTL(" The STATUS field will be re-installed")
- D MES^XPDUTL(" during the installation process.")
- S DIK="^DD(408.31,",DA=.03,DA(1)=408.31
- D ^DIK
- D BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Completed.")
- Q
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDG182PRE 804 printed Feb 19, 2025@00:01:23 Page 2
- DG182PRE ;ALB/SEK - DG*5.3*182 Pre-Install Routine ; 14-AUGUST-1999
- +1 ;;5.3;Registration;**182**;Aug 13, 1993
- +2 ;
- +3 ;
- EN ; Description: This entry point will be used as a driver for
- +1 ; pre-installation updates.
- +2 ;
- +3 ; Delete the STATUS field (#.03) from the ANNUAL MEANS TEST file (#408.31) and not the data.
- +5 ;
- +6 QUIT
- +7 ;
- +8 ;
- DELSTAT ; This procedure will delete the STATUS field (#03) from the
- +1 ; ANNUAL MEANS TEST file (#408.31) and not the data.
- +2 ;
- +3 DO BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Deleting the STATUS field (#.03) of the")
- +4 DO MES^XPDUTL(" ANNUAL MEANS TEST file (#408.31)")
- +5 DO MES^XPDUTL(" The STATUS field will be re-installed")
- +6 DO MES^XPDUTL(" during the installation process.")
- +8 SET DIK="^DD(408.31,"
- SET DA=.03
- SET DA(1)=408.31
- +9 DO ^DIK
- +10 DO BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Completed.")
- +11 QUIT