DG531118P ;ALB/JDB - DG*5.3*1118 INSTALL UTILITY;04/10/2024 15:21pm
Source file <DG531118P.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
QUIT | ;No direct entry
ENV | ;Main entry point for Environment check
PRE | ;Main entry point for Pre-Install items
PRE1 | ; find entries in INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS 49 and 50 and check their names
PRE2(DGNDX) | ; Find and compare NAME (Field #.01) in INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS to gold standard
; and reset if it doesn't match |
POST | ;Main entry point for Post-Install items
POST1 | ; Update PERIOD OF SERVICE File (#21) entry for POST-KOREAN
; END DATE Field (#.05) will be set to "OCT 31, 1955" ; BRIEF DESCRIPTION Field (#20) will be set to "2/1/1955-10/31/1955" |
POST2 | ; Update PERIOD OF SERVICE File (#21) entry for VIETNAM ERA
; BEGIN DATE Field (#.04) will be set to "NOV 01, 1995" ; BRIEF DESCRIPTION Field (#20) will be set to "11/1/1955-5/7/1975" |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
$$FIND1^DIC | POST1+7, POST2+7 |
UPDATE^DIE | PRE2+14, POST1+15, POST2+15 |
BMES^XPDUTL | PRE+2, PRE+4, PRE2+6, PRE2+10, PRE2+16, PRE2+19, PRE2+20, POST+2, POST+5, POST1+6 , POST1+9, POST1+17, POST1+20, POST2+6, POST2+9, POST2+17, POST2+20 |
MES^XPDUTL | PRE2+7, PRE2+21, PRE2+22, PRE2+23, POST1+10, POST1+11, POST1+12, POST1+18, POST1+21, POST1+22 , POST1+23, POST1+24, POST2+10, POST2+11, POST2+12, POST2+18, POST2+21, POST2+22, POST2+23, POST2+24 |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DIC(21 - [#21] | FIND1^DIC |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^DGIN(38.6 - [#38.6] | PRE2+9 |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
DGEC | POST1+4~, POST1+5*, POST1+7, POST2+4~, POST2+5*, POST2+7 |
DGERR | PRE2+15, POST1+4~, POST1+16, POST1+19, POST2+4~, POST2+16, POST2+19 |
DGFDA | PRE2+3~, POST1+4~, POST2+4~ |
DGFDA( | PRE2+13* |
DGFDA(21 | POST1+13*, POST1+14*, POST2+13*, POST2+14* |
DGNDX | PRE1+2~, PRE1+4*, PRE2~, PRE2+4, PRE2+5, PRE2+9, PRE2+13, PRE2+20 |
DGNM | PRE2+3~, PRE2+4*, PRE2+5*, PRE2+6, PRE2+9, PRE2+10, PRE2+13, PRE2+16 |
DGOUT | PRE1+2~, PRE1+3*, PRE1+4, PRE2+18* |
DGPH | POST1+4~, POST1+7*, POST1+8, POST1+13, POST1+14, POST2+4~, POST2+7*, POST2+8, POST2+13, POST2+14 |
DGXNM | PRE2+3~ |