DG53200P ;ALB/MLI - Post-install routine for DG*5.3*200 ; Nov 27, 1998
;;5.3;Registration;**200**;Aug 13, 1993
; This post-install routine for DG*5.3*200 will add a DEL node
; to the PATIENT file to prevent deletion of a patient if the
; patient has entries in the ORDER file (#100)
EN ; post-install
S ^DD(2,.01,"DEL",100,0)="I $D(^OR(100,""ACT"",DA_"";DPT("")) D EN^DDIOL(""Patient orders must be deleted first."","""",""!?0"")"
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDG53200P 455 printed Dec 13, 2024@02:36:36 Page 2
DG53200P ;ALB/MLI - Post-install routine for DG*5.3*200 ; Nov 27, 1998
+1 ;;5.3;Registration;**200**;Aug 13, 1993
+2 ;
+3 ; This post-install routine for DG*5.3*200 will add a DEL node
+4 ; to the PATIENT file to prevent deletion of a patient if the
+5 ; patient has entries in the ORDER file (#100)
+6 ;
EN ; post-install
+1 SET ^DD(2,.01,"DEL",100,0)="I $D(^OR(100,""ACT"",DA_"";DPT("")) D EN^DDIOL(""Patient orders must be deleted first."","""",""!?0"")"