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Routine: DG53213P

Package: Registration

Routine: DG53213P


DG53213P ;BP-CIOFO/KEITH - NPCDB patient demographics extraction utility ; 07 Dec 98 12:05 PM

Source Information

Source file <DG53213P.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
NOQ ;Suppress option question
RUN ;Exit if XTMP global exists
BQ ;Queue extraction global build process
ZQ() ;Determine if process is already queued
BUILD ;Build XTMP global with list of records to send
SEND ;Send group of patient records to NPCDB
REQUE(ZTRTN) ;Requeue for tomorrow's run
MSG ;Send mail message
M1 ;Message text
TXT(DGT) ;Build message line
DONE() ;Determine if extraction is finished
S1 ;Send a record
SET(DGR) ;Set patient list node
STOP ;Check for stop task request
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