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Routine: DG53P640


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  1. DG53P640 ;BAY/JAT; UPDATE FILE #45.64;12/7/04 4:29pm ; 12/20/04 7:58pm
  1. ;;5.3;Registration;**640**;Aug 13,1993
  1. S DGCNT=0
  1. D BMES^XPDUTL(">>> Adding new codes to file # 45.64")
  1. F LINE=1:1 S X=$T(ADD+LINE) S DGCODE=$P(X,";;",2) Q:DGCODE="EXIT" D
  1. .S DIC="^DGP(45.64,",DIC(0)=""
  1. .I $L(DGDESC)>70 Q
  1. .S DIC("DR")=".02///"_DGDESC
  1. .S X=$P(DGCODE,U)
  1. .I +$O(^DGP(45.64,"B",X,0)) Q
  1. .I Y=-1 Q
  1. .D MES^XPDUTL(" CODE "_DGX_" "_DGY_" added.")
  1. I DGCNT<39 D
  1. .D MES^XPDUTL("Code(s) missing. Compare with patch description.")
  1. Q
  1. ADD ;new codes - descriptions cannot exceed 70 char.
  1. ;;004^station number and suffix invalid
  1. ;;070^transaction does not match N101 transaction or Master Record
  1. ;;139^101 transaction equal to preceding 101 transaction or Master Record
  1. ;;141^replacement date of admission is later than first date of surgery
  1. ;;142^replacement date of admission is later than first movement date
  1. ;;170^transaction does not match 101 trans. or Master Record (131 trans only
  1. ;;171^update without data in any field except control fields (131 trans only
  1. ;;441^surgical date in N402 transaction not equal date of one 401
  1. ;;455^a replacement code or a $ eliminated a required related code
  1. ;;457^duplicate surg codes or dupe of one in Master in different position
  1. ;;471^updte without data in any field except control fields (one field reqrd
  1. ;;472^updte 431/432 date of surgery does not match date of surgery in 401/02
  1. ;;546^trans. 500 deleted the discharge 501 segment without replacement 501
  1. ;;553^diagnostic code used without a required related code
  1. ;;555^a replacement code or a $ eliminated a required related code
  1. ;;557^duplicate diag codes or dupe of one in Master in different position
  1. ;;570^transaction does not match 101 transaction or Master Record
  1. ;;571^updte without data in any field except control fields (one field reqrd
  1. ;;572^update date of movement does not match date of movement in record
  1. ;;573^combined leave and pass days greater than total elapsed days
  1. ;;645^more than 32 transactions submitted
  1. ;;655^a replacement code or a $ eliminated a required related code
  1. ;;670^transaction does not match N101 transaction or Master Record
  1. ;;716^duplication of a report of death. Type of disposition '6' or '7'
  1. ;;718^701 without an "X" in ONLY-DX must be accompanied by a 702
  1. ;;719^trans. accompanied by 701 with "X" in ONLY-DX or "summary diag" codes
  1. ;;739^discharge segment already in Master Record
  1. ;;740^date of discharge is later than processing date
  1. ;;741^date of discharge does not equal last date of transfer
  1. ;;742^date of discharge for fiscal year before earlier than current FY
  1. ;;743^replacement date of discharge is earlier than latest date of surgery
  1. ;;770^no matching 101 transaction or Master Record
  1. ;;771^updte without data in any field except control fields (one field reqrd
  1. ;;772^update with matching 101 transaction but without a matching 701/2/3
  1. ;;775^invalid PHY LOC CDR code
  1. ;;776^invalid PHY CDE code
  1. ;;999^six unacceptable edit conditions
  1. ;;EXIT
  1. Q