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Routine: DG681PST


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  1. DG681PST ;BAY/ALS;populate new PIVOT FILE DAYS TO RETAIN field ; 10/05/05
  1. ;;5.3;Registration;**681**;Aug 13,1993
  1. ;
  1. ; This is a post-install routine for DG*5.3*681
  1. ; The purpose is to check the 4th piece of the HL7 node in the
  1. ; MAS PARAMETERS (#43) file and put the data in the 6th piece
  1. ; of the HL7 node, the new location for the PIVOT FILE DAYS TO
  1. ; RETAIN (#391.702) field as follows.
  1. ;
  1. ; If it equals 1- leave it as is, it was placed there by the
  1. ; CREATE MFU FOR RAI MDS (#391.7014) field
  1. ;
  1. ; If it is greater than 29, move it to the 6th piece, the
  1. ; PIVOT FILE DAYS TO RETAIN (#391.702) field is meant to be
  1. ; at least 30.
  1. ;
  1. ; If it is null leave it as is.
  1. EN ;
  1. S RAI=""
  1. S DIC=43,DA=1,DR="391.7014"
  1. S RAI=^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,43,1,391.7014)
  1. I RAI>29 D
  1. . S DIE=43,DA=1,DR="391.702///^S X=RAI;391.7014///@"
  1. . D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR
  1. K RAI
  1. Q