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Routine: DGBTRDV

Package: Beneficiary Travel

Routine: DGBTRDV


DGBTRDV ;ALB/BLD,KAR - Beneficiary Travel information VIA RDV ;1/16/19 14:05

Source Information

Source file <DGBTRDV.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
OPT(DFN,DGBTDTI) ; Menu option entry point.
; information about from the remote treating facilities.
BACKGND ; background/tasked entry point
; DGBTYPE is being used as a flag to indicate this is running in background
; DGBTRDV is array of treating facilities
; look up treating facilities
RPC(DGBTRET,DGBTICN,DGBTDTI) ; RPC entry for Beneficiary Travel Claims for a given month
CHECK(DGBTRET,DGBTHDL) ; called to check the return status of an RPC
RETURN(DGBTRTN,DGBTHDL) ; called to get the return data and clear the broker
TFL(DFN,DGBTIBT) ; returns treating facility list (pass IBT by reference)
; supported references ia #2990 and #10112, value returned is count
; needed to N Y because VAFCTFU1 will kill it
SITE() ; returns site number and info
ICN(DFN) ; returns icn for dfn ia #2701 and #2702
DFN(DGBTIBICN) ; returns dfn for icn ia #2701

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"This patient has no remote treating facilities to query."
  • Line Location: BACKGND+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"No ICN for this patient"
  • Line Location: BACKGND+10
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,"Unable to perform any remote queries.",!
  • Line Location: BACKGND+24

Used in RPC

RPC Name Call Tags
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