DGMTDD4 ;ALB/AMA - Individual Annual Income file (#408.21) Data Dictionary Calls, CON'T ; 10/3/07 1:44pm
;;5.3;Registration;**688,812**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 19
14 ;Executable Help for Total Employment Income (408.21/.14)
. ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
. W !?8,"Enter in this field the annual amount of Total Income from Employment"
. W !?8,"received during the previous calendar year. This includes wages,"
. W !?8,"salary, earnings and tips."
. W !!?8,"A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
. Q
. ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
. W !?8,"Enter in this field the gross income amount received from Employment"
. W !?8,"during the previous calendar year. This includes wages, bonuses,"
. W !?8,"salary, earnings, and tips. Exclude income from your farm, ranch,"
. W !?8,"property, or business."
. W !!?8,"A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
17 ;Executable Help for Net Income from Farm (408.21/.17)
. ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
.S DGAIA(1)="Enter in this field the annual amount of All Other Income received"
.S DGAIA(1,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(2)="during the previous calendar year."
.S DGAIA(2,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(3)="Business or Farm Income. Net income from operation of a farm or other"
.S DGAIA(3,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(4)="business is countable. If a veteran reports this type of income, have"
.S DGAIA(4,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(5)="the veteran complete VA Form 21-4165, Pension Claim Questionnaire for"
.S DGAIA(5,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(6)="Farm Income, or VA Form 21-4185, Report of Income from Property or"
.S DGAIA(6,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(7)="Business. Subtract the veteran's business or farm expenses from gross"
.S DGAIA(7,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(8)="income. The result should be entered in this field. If the veteran or"
.S DGAIA(8,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(9)="veteran's spouse or child receives a salary from the business, it"
.S DGAIA(9,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(10)="should be reported in the 'Total Employment Income' field. Also, note"
.S DGAIA(10,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(11)="that depreciation is not a deductible expense for VA purposes."
.S DGAIA(11,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(12)="A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
.S DGAIA(12,"F")="!!,?8"
.S DGAIA(13,"F")="!"
. Q
. ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
.S DGAIA(1)="Enter in this field the net income amount from your farm, ranch,"
.S DGAIA(1,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(2)="property, or business received during the previous calendar year."
.S DGAIA(2,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(3)="Business or Farm Income. Net income from operation of a farm or other"
.S DGAIA(3,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(4)="business is countable. If a veteran reports this type of income, have"
.S DGAIA(4,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(5)="the veteran complete VA Form 21-4165, Pension Claim Questionnaire for"
.S DGAIA(5,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(6)="Farm Income, or VA Form 21-4185, Report of Income from Property or"
.S DGAIA(6,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(7)="Business. To identify the net income, subtract the veteran's business"
.S DGAIA(7,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(8)="or farm expenses from the gross income derived from the business or"
.S DGAIA(8,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(9)="farm. The result should be entered in this field. If the veteran or"
.S DGAIA(9,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(10)="veteran's spouse or child receives a salary from the business, it"
.S DGAIA(10,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(11)="should be reported in the 'Total Employment Income' field. Also, note"
.S DGAIA(11,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(12)="that depreciation is not a deductible expense for VA purposes."
.S DGAIA(12,"F")="!,?8"
.S DGAIA(13)="A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
.S DGAIA(13,"F")="!!,?8"
.S DGAIA(14,"F")="!"
8 ;Executable Help for Other Income Amounts (408.21/.08)
. ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
. W !?8,"Enter in this field the annual amount of Social Security received"
. W !?8,"during the previous calendar year. Do not include SSI."
. W !!?8,"A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
. Q
. ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
. W !?8,"Enter in this field the annual amount of other income received during"
. W !?8,"the previous calendar year. This includes, but is not limited to,"
. W !?8,"Social Security Retirement and/or Disability Income; compensation"
. W !?8,"benefits such as VA disability, unemployment, retirement, and pension"
. W !?8,"income; interest; and dividends. Exclude welfare, Supplemental"
. W !?8,"Security Income (SSI), or need-based payments from a governmental"
. W !?8,"agency, profit from occasional sale of property, reinvested interest"
. W !?8,"on IRAs. See 38 CFR 3.272 for more information."
. W !!?8,"A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
112 ;Executable Help for Total Non-Reimbursed Medical Expenses (408.21/1.12)
. ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
. W !?8,"Enter the total amount of unreimbursed medical expenses paid by the"
. W !?8,"veteran during the previous calendar year. The expenses can be for the"
. W !?8,"veteran or for persons that the veteran has a legal or moral obligation"
. W !?8,"to support. The expenses must actually have been paid by the veteran."
. W !?8,"Reportable medical expenses include amounts paid for the following:"
. W !?8,"fees of physicians, dentists, and other providers of health services;"
. W !?8,"hospital and nursing home fees; medical insurance premiums (including"
. W !?8,"the Medicare premium); drugs and medicines; eyeglasses; any other"
. W !?8,"expenses that are reasonable related to medical care. Do not list"
. W !?8,"expenses which the veteran has paid if the veteran expects to receive"
. W !?8,"reimbursement from insurance or some other source."
. W !!?8,"By law, not all of the unreimbursed medical expenses paid by the veteran"
. W !?8,"during the previous calendar year may be deducted from the total annual"
. W !?8,"income. The total amount of the unreimbursed medical expenses entered"
. W !?8,"in this field will be automatically adjusted based upon the veteran's"
. W !?8,"maximum annual pension amount and number of dependents."
. Q
. ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
. W !?5,"Enter the total amount of non-reimbursed medical expenses paid by the"
. W !?5,"veteran during the previous calendar year. The expenses can be for the"
. W !?5,"veteran or for persons that the veteran has a legal or moral obligation"
. W !?5,"to support. The expenses must actually have been paid by the veteran."
. W !?5,"Reportable medical expenses include amounts paid for the following:"
. W !?5,"fees of physicians, dentists, and other providers of health services;"
. W !?5,"hospital and nursing home fees; medical insurance premiums (including"
. W !?5,"the Medicare premium); drugs and medicines; eyeglasses; any other"
. W !?5,"expenses that are reasonably related to medical care. Do not list"
. W !?5,"expenses which the veteran has paid if the veteran expects to receive"
. W !?5,"reimbursement from insurance or some other source."
. W !!?5,"By law, not all of the non-reimbursed medical expenses paid by the"
. W !?5,"veteran during the previous calendar year may be deducted from the total"
. W !?5,"annual income. The total amount of the non-reimbursed medical expenses"
. W !?5,"entered in this field will be automatically adjusted based upon the"
. W !?5,"veteran's maximum annual pension amount and number of dependents."
. W !!?5,"Intake clerks should remind the veteran to keep receipts for claimed"
. W !?5,"medical expenses."
102 ;Executable Help for Funeral and Burial Expenses (408.21/1.02)
. ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
. W !?8,"Enter in this field amounts paid by the veteran during the previous"
. W !?8,"calendar year for funeral or burial expenses of the veteran's spouse or"
. W !?8,"child. Do not report amounts paid for funeral or burial expenses of"
. W !?8,"other relatives such as parents, siblings, etc."
. Q
. ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
. W !?8,"Enter in this field amounts paid by the veteran during the previous"
. W !?8,"calendar year for funeral or burial expenses of the veteran's deceased"
. W !?8,"spouse or child or for pre-paid funeral or burial expenses of the"
. W !?8,"veteran, spouse, or any dependent child. Do not report amounts paid"
. W !?8,"for funeral or burial expenses of other relatives such as parents,"
. W !?8,"siblings, etc."
MTVERS(DGMTI) ;Determine the Means Test Version Indicator
S MTVERS=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2)),"^",11)
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDGMTDD4 9192 printed Dec 13, 2024@02:44:47 Page 2
DGMTDD4 ;ALB/AMA - Individual Annual Income file (#408.21) Data Dictionary Calls, CON'T ; 10/3/07 1:44pm
+1 ;;5.3;Registration;**688,812**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 19
+2 ;
14 ;Executable Help for Total Employment Income (408.21/.14)
+1 if (X="?")
Begin DoDot:1
+3 ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+4 WRITE !?8,"Enter in this field the annual amount of Total Income from Employment"
+5 WRITE !?8,"received during the previous calendar year. This includes wages,"
+6 WRITE !?8,"salary, earnings and tips."
+7 WRITE !!?8,"A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
End DoDot:1
+9 IF '$TEST
Begin DoDot:1
+10 ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+11 WRITE !?8,"Enter in this field the gross income amount received from Employment"
+12 WRITE !?8,"during the previous calendar year. This includes wages, bonuses,"
+13 WRITE !?8,"salary, earnings, and tips. Exclude income from your farm, ranch,"
+14 WRITE !?8,"property, or business."
+15 WRITE !!?8,"A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
End DoDot:1
+16 QUIT
17 ;Executable Help for Net Income from Farm (408.21/.17)
+1 ;DG*5.3*812
+2 if (X="?")
Begin DoDot:1
+5 ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+6 SET DGAIA(1)="Enter in this field the annual amount of All Other Income received"
+7 SET DGAIA(1,"F")="!,?8"
+8 SET DGAIA(2)="during the previous calendar year."
+9 SET DGAIA(2,"F")="!,?8"
+10 SET DGAIA(3)="Business or Farm Income. Net income from operation of a farm or other"
+11 SET DGAIA(3,"F")="!,?8"
+12 SET DGAIA(4)="business is countable. If a veteran reports this type of income, have"
+13 SET DGAIA(4,"F")="!,?8"
+14 SET DGAIA(5)="the veteran complete VA Form 21-4165, Pension Claim Questionnaire for"
+15 SET DGAIA(5,"F")="!,?8"
+16 SET DGAIA(6)="Farm Income, or VA Form 21-4185, Report of Income from Property or"
+17 SET DGAIA(6,"F")="!,?8"
+18 SET DGAIA(7)="Business. Subtract the veteran's business or farm expenses from gross"
+19 SET DGAIA(7,"F")="!,?8"
+20 SET DGAIA(8)="income. The result should be entered in this field. If the veteran or"
+21 SET DGAIA(8,"F")="!,?8"
+22 SET DGAIA(9)="veteran's spouse or child receives a salary from the business, it"
+23 SET DGAIA(9,"F")="!,?8"
+24 SET DGAIA(10)="should be reported in the 'Total Employment Income' field. Also, note"
+25 SET DGAIA(10,"F")="!,?8"
+26 SET DGAIA(11)="that depreciation is not a deductible expense for VA purposes."
+27 SET DGAIA(11,"F")="!,?8"
+28 SET DGAIA(12)="A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
+29 SET DGAIA(12,"F")="!!,?8"
+30 SET DGAIA(13,"F")="!"
+32 QUIT
End DoDot:1
+33 IF '$TEST
Begin DoDot:1
+34 ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+35 SET DGAIA(1)="Enter in this field the net income amount from your farm, ranch,"
+36 SET DGAIA(1,"F")="!,?8"
+37 SET DGAIA(2)="property, or business received during the previous calendar year."
+38 SET DGAIA(2,"F")="!,?8"
+39 SET DGAIA(3)="Business or Farm Income. Net income from operation of a farm or other"
+40 SET DGAIA(3,"F")="!,?8"
+41 SET DGAIA(4)="business is countable. If a veteran reports this type of income, have"
+42 SET DGAIA(4,"F")="!,?8"
+43 SET DGAIA(5)="the veteran complete VA Form 21-4165, Pension Claim Questionnaire for"
+44 SET DGAIA(5,"F")="!,?8"
+45 SET DGAIA(6)="Farm Income, or VA Form 21-4185, Report of Income from Property or"
+46 SET DGAIA(6,"F")="!,?8"
+47 SET DGAIA(7)="Business. To identify the net income, subtract the veteran's business"
+48 SET DGAIA(7,"F")="!,?8"
+49 SET DGAIA(8)="or farm expenses from the gross income derived from the business or"
+50 SET DGAIA(8,"F")="!,?8"
+51 SET DGAIA(9)="farm. The result should be entered in this field. If the veteran or"
+52 SET DGAIA(9,"F")="!,?8"
+53 SET DGAIA(10)="veteran's spouse or child receives a salary from the business, it"
+54 SET DGAIA(10,"F")="!,?8"
+55 SET DGAIA(11)="should be reported in the 'Total Employment Income' field. Also, note"
+56 SET DGAIA(11,"F")="!,?8"
+57 SET DGAIA(12)="that depreciation is not a deductible expense for VA purposes."
+58 SET DGAIA(12,"F")="!,?8"
+59 SET DGAIA(13)="A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
+60 SET DGAIA(13,"F")="!!,?8"
+61 SET DGAIA(14,"F")="!"
End DoDot:1
+63 QUIT
8 ;Executable Help for Other Income Amounts (408.21/.08)
+1 if (X="?")
Begin DoDot:1
+3 ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+4 WRITE !?8,"Enter in this field the annual amount of Social Security received"
+5 WRITE !?8,"during the previous calendar year. Do not include SSI."
+6 WRITE !!?8,"A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
End DoDot:1
+8 IF '$TEST
Begin DoDot:1
+9 ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+10 WRITE !?8,"Enter in this field the annual amount of other income received during"
+11 WRITE !?8,"the previous calendar year. This includes, but is not limited to,"
+12 WRITE !?8,"Social Security Retirement and/or Disability Income; compensation"
+13 WRITE !?8,"benefits such as VA disability, unemployment, retirement, and pension"
+14 WRITE !?8,"income; interest; and dividends. Exclude welfare, Supplemental"
+15 WRITE !?8,"Security Income (SSI), or need-based payments from a governmental"
+16 WRITE !?8,"agency, profit from occasional sale of property, reinvested interest"
+17 WRITE !?8,"on IRAs. See 38 CFR 3.272 for more information."
+18 WRITE !!?8,"A monthly amount can be entered with an '*' after it."
End DoDot:1
+19 QUIT
112 ;Executable Help for Total Non-Reimbursed Medical Expenses (408.21/1.12)
+1 if (X="?")
Begin DoDot:1
+3 ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+4 WRITE !?8,"Enter the total amount of unreimbursed medical expenses paid by the"
+5 WRITE !?8,"veteran during the previous calendar year. The expenses can be for the"
+6 WRITE !?8,"veteran or for persons that the veteran has a legal or moral obligation"
+7 WRITE !?8,"to support. The expenses must actually have been paid by the veteran."
+8 WRITE !?8,"Reportable medical expenses include amounts paid for the following:"
+9 WRITE !?8,"fees of physicians, dentists, and other providers of health services;"
+10 WRITE !?8,"hospital and nursing home fees; medical insurance premiums (including"
+11 WRITE !?8,"the Medicare premium); drugs and medicines; eyeglasses; any other"
+12 WRITE !?8,"expenses that are reasonable related to medical care. Do not list"
+13 WRITE !?8,"expenses which the veteran has paid if the veteran expects to receive"
+14 WRITE !?8,"reimbursement from insurance or some other source."
+15 WRITE !!?8,"By law, not all of the unreimbursed medical expenses paid by the veteran"
+16 WRITE !?8,"during the previous calendar year may be deducted from the total annual"
+17 WRITE !?8,"income. The total amount of the unreimbursed medical expenses entered"
+18 WRITE !?8,"in this field will be automatically adjusted based upon the veteran's"
+19 WRITE !?8,"maximum annual pension amount and number of dependents."
+20 QUIT
End DoDot:1
+21 IF '$TEST
Begin DoDot:1
+22 ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+23 WRITE !?5,"Enter the total amount of non-reimbursed medical expenses paid by the"
+24 WRITE !?5,"veteran during the previous calendar year. The expenses can be for the"
+25 WRITE !?5,"veteran or for persons that the veteran has a legal or moral obligation"
+26 WRITE !?5,"to support. The expenses must actually have been paid by the veteran."
+27 WRITE !?5,"Reportable medical expenses include amounts paid for the following:"
+28 WRITE !?5,"fees of physicians, dentists, and other providers of health services;"
+29 WRITE !?5,"hospital and nursing home fees; medical insurance premiums (including"
+30 WRITE !?5,"the Medicare premium); drugs and medicines; eyeglasses; any other"
+31 WRITE !?5,"expenses that are reasonably related to medical care. Do not list"
+32 WRITE !?5,"expenses which the veteran has paid if the veteran expects to receive"
+33 WRITE !?5,"reimbursement from insurance or some other source."
+34 WRITE !!?5,"By law, not all of the non-reimbursed medical expenses paid by the"
+35 WRITE !?5,"veteran during the previous calendar year may be deducted from the total"
+36 WRITE !?5,"annual income. The total amount of the non-reimbursed medical expenses"
+37 WRITE !?5,"entered in this field will be automatically adjusted based upon the"
+38 WRITE !?5,"veteran's maximum annual pension amount and number of dependents."
+39 WRITE !!?5,"Intake clerks should remind the veteran to keep receipts for claimed"
+40 WRITE !?5,"medical expenses."
End DoDot:1
+41 QUIT
102 ;Executable Help for Funeral and Burial Expenses (408.21/1.02)
+1 if (X="?")
Begin DoDot:1
+3 ;Help text for pre-Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+4 WRITE !?8,"Enter in this field amounts paid by the veteran during the previous"
+5 WRITE !?8,"calendar year for funeral or burial expenses of the veteran's spouse or"
+6 WRITE !?8,"child. Do not report amounts paid for funeral or burial expenses of"
+7 WRITE !?8,"other relatives such as parents, siblings, etc."
End DoDot:1
+9 IF '$TEST
Begin DoDot:1
+10 ;Help text for Feb 2005 Data Collection format
+11 WRITE !?8,"Enter in this field amounts paid by the veteran during the previous"
+12 WRITE !?8,"calendar year for funeral or burial expenses of the veteran's deceased"
+13 WRITE !?8,"spouse or child or for pre-paid funeral or burial expenses of the"
+14 WRITE !?8,"veteran, spouse, or any dependent child. Do not report amounts paid"
+15 WRITE !?8,"for funeral or burial expenses of other relatives such as parents,"
+16 WRITE !?8,"siblings, etc."
End DoDot:1
+17 QUIT
MTVERS(DGMTI) ;Determine the Means Test Version Indicator
+3 SET MTVERS=+$PIECE($GET(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2)),"^",11)