DGMTU1 ;ALB/RMO/MIR/CKN - Patient Relation Utilities ; 11/8/05 2:21pm
Source file <DGMTU1.m>
action | A | extended action | Ea | event driver | Ed | subscriber | Su | protocol | O | limited protocol | LP | run routine | RR | broker | B | edit | E | server | Se | P | screenman | SM | inquire | I |
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
DEM(DGPRI) | ;Demographics of Patient Relation
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- Patient or Income Person 0th node |
DEM1(DGPRI) | ;Demographics of Patient Relation node 1
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- Patient or Income Person node 1 |
NODE(DGPRI) | ;Send back the name, sex, dob, and SSN in external format
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- External format of name, sex, dob, and SSN ; in pieces 1,2,3, and 9 respectively |
NAME(DGPRI) | ;Name of Patient Relation
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- Patient or Income Person Name |
SEX(DGPRI) | ;Sex of Patient Relation
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- Patient or Income Person Sex |
DOB(DGPRI) | ;Date of Birth of Patient Relation
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- Patient or Income Person Date of Birth |
SSN(DGPRI) | ;Social Security Number of Patient Relation
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- Patient or Income Person Social Security Number |
REL(DGPRI) | ;Relationship of Patient Relation
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN ; Output -- Relationship of Patient Relation |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^DD("DD" | DOB+4 |
^DG(408.11 - [#408.11] | REL+4 |
^DGPR(408.12 - [#408.12] | DEM+4, DEM1+4, REL+4 |
Name | Line Occurrences |
$$DEM | NODE+8, NAME+4, SEX+4, DOB+4, SSN+4 |
>> | Not killed explicitly |
* | Changed |
! | Killed |
~ | Newed |
Name | Field # of Occurrence |
DGDOB | DOB+3~, DOB+4*, DOB+5 |
DGNM | NAME+3~, NAME+4*, NAME+5 |
DGPRI | DEM~, DEM+4, DEM1~, DEM1+4, NODE~, NODE+8, NAME~, NAME+4, SEX~, SEX+4 , DOB~, DOB+4, SSN~, SSN+4, REL~, REL+4 |
DGREL | REL+3~, REL+4*, REL+5 |
DGSEX | SEX+3~, SEX+4*, SEX+5 |
DGSSN | SSN+3~, SSN+4*, SSN+5 |
DGVP0 | DEM+3~, DEM+5*, DEM+6 |
DGVP1 | DEM1+3~, DEM1+5*, DEM1+6 |
DGVPI | DEM+3~, DEM+4*, DEM+5, DEM1+3~, DEM1+4*, DEM1+5 |
NODE | NODE+7~, NODE+8*, NODE+9*, NODE+10*, NODE+11*, NODE+12*, NODE+13 |
U | REL+4 |
X | NODE+7~, NODE+9*, NODE+10*, NODE+11* |
Y | NODE+7~, SEX+3~, SEX+4*, DOB+3~, DOB+4*, SSN+3~, SSN+4* |