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Routine: DGMTU1

Package: Registration

Routine: DGMTU1


DGMTU1 ;ALB/RMO/MIR/CKN - Patient Relation Utilities ; 11/8/05 2:21pm

Source Information

Source file <DGMTU1.m>

Call Graph

Call Graph

Call Graph Total: 1

Package Total Call Graph
Kernel 1 $$FMTE^XLFDT  

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 29

Package Total Caller Graph
Enrollment Application System 5 EASECED1  EASECSC4  EASECSC5  EASECSC6  EASECSCU  
Income Verification Match 5 IVM2174F  IVMCM2  IVMLSU  IVMPREC5  IVMUM2  
Patient Data Exchange 2 VAQDBIM1  VAQDBIM3  
Integrated Billing 1 IBOEMP1  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
DEM(DGPRI) ;Demographics of Patient Relation
; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN
; Output -- Patient or Income Person 0th node
  • ICR #961
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    DEM1(DGPRI) ;Demographics of Patient Relation node 1
    ; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN
    ; Output -- Patient or Income Person node 1
    NODE(DGPRI) ;Send back the name, sex, dob, and SSN in external format
    ; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN
    ; Output -- External format of name, sex, dob, and SSN
    ; in pieces 1,2,3, and 9 respectively
    NAME(DGPRI) ;Name of Patient Relation
    ; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN
    ; Output -- Patient or Income Person Name
  • ICR #425
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    SEX(DGPRI) ;Sex of Patient Relation
    ; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN
    ; Output -- Patient or Income Person Sex
    DOB(DGPRI) ;Date of Birth of Patient Relation
    ; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN
    ; Output -- Patient or Income Person Date of Birth
    SSN(DGPRI) ;Social Security Number of Patient Relation
    ; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN
    ; Output -- Patient or Income Person Social Security Number
  • ICR #425
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    REL(DGPRI) ;Relationship of Patient Relation
    ; Input -- DGPRI Patient Relation IEN
    ; Output -- Relationship of Patient Relation

    External References

    Name Field # of Occurrence

    Global Variables Directly Accessed

    Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
    ^DD("DD" DOB+4
    ^DG(408.11 - [#408.11] REL+4
    ^DGPR(408.12 - [#408.12] DEM+4, DEM1+4, REL+4

    Label References

    Name Line Occurrences
    $$DEM NODE+8, NAME+4, SEX+4, DOB+4, SSN+4

    Local Variables


    >> Not killed explicitly
    * Changed
    ! Killed
    ~ Newed

    Name Field # of Occurrence
    DGDOB DOB+3~, DOB+4*, DOB+5
    DGNM NAME+3~, NAME+4*, NAME+5
    DGPRI DEM~, DEM+4, DEM1~, DEM1+4, NODE~, NODE+8, NAME~, NAME+4, SEX~, SEX+4
    , DOB~, DOB+4, SSN~, SSN+4, REL~, REL+4
    DGREL REL+3~, REL+4*, REL+5
    DGSEX SEX+3~, SEX+4*, SEX+5
    DGSSN SSN+3~, SSN+4*, SSN+5
    DGVP0 DEM+3~, DEM+5*, DEM+6
    DGVP1 DEM1+3~, DEM1+5*, DEM1+6
    DGVPI DEM+3~, DEM+4*, DEM+5, DEM1+3~, DEM1+4*, DEM1+5
    NODE NODE+7~, NODE+8*, NODE+9*, NODE+10*, NODE+11*, NODE+12*, NODE+13
    U REL+4
    X NODE+7~, NODE+9*, NODE+10*, NODE+11*
    Y NODE+7~, SEX+3~, SEX+4*, DOB+3~, DOB+4*, SSN+3~, SSN+4*
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