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Routine: DGPTFVC2

Package: Registration

Routine: DGPTFVC2


DGPTFVC2 ;ALB/MJK - Expanded PTF Close-Out Edits ; Jul 20 88

Source Information

Source file <DGPTFVC2.m>

Caller Graph


Legend of Colors

Package Component Superscript legend

action A extended action Ea event driver Ed subscriber Su protocol O limited protocol LP run routine RR broker B edit E server Se print P screenman SM inquire I

Caller Graph

Caller Graph Total: 2

Package Total Caller Graph
Registration 2 DGPTFTR  DGPTUTL1  

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EN ;
LINES ; -- count the number of lines to be xmited for PTF rec
; input : Y := ifn of ^DGPT
; output: X := line count
501 ; -- count 501 mvts to xmit
; input : Y := IFN
; DGMTY := indicates entering from flag option [optional]
; output: C := # of entries
535 ; -- count 535 mvts to xmit
; input : Y := IFN
; DGMTY := indicates entering from flag option [optional]
; output: C := # of entries

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,DGM," There are '",C,"' ",DGM," movements but only '",DGMAX,"' can be sent to Austin."
  • Line Location: EN+4
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !," *** Contact PTF supervisor ***"
  • Line Location: EN+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,">>>> ",$S(DGM="P":"Procedure",1:"Surgery")," date/time of '",Y,"' is after the discharge date."
  • Line Location: ERROR+2

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^DGPT - [#45] EN+8, EN+9, LINES+5, 501+7, 535+7

Label References

Name Line Occurrences
501 LINES+5
535 LINES+5
@( EN+4
ENQ EN+5, EN+7

Naked Globals

Name Field # of Occurrence
^( EN+9, ERROR+1*, LINES+5, 501+7, 535+7
^(0 EN+9, LINES+5, 501+7, 535+7
^(70 EN+8

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> % LINES+5*, 501+7*, 535+7*
C EN+3~, EN+4, LINES+4~, LINES+5, 501+5*, 501+7*, 535+5*, 535+7*
D 501+5~, 501+7*, 535+5~, 535+7*
>> DGERR EN+3*, EN+4*, EN+5, ERROR+2*
DGM EN+3~, EN+4*, EN+9*, ERROR+1, ERROR+2
>> DGMTY 501+7, 535+7
I EN+3~, EN+9*, ERROR+1
>> PTF EN+1, EN+4, EN+8, EN+9
>> T1 EN+7, LINES+5, 501+7, 535+7
>> T2 LINES+5, 501+7, 535+7
U 501+7, 535+7
>> X ERROR+1*, LINES+4*, LINES+5*
Y EN+3~, EN+4*, EN+9*, ERROR+2*, LINES+5, 501+7, 535+7
Z 501+5~, 501+7*, 535+5~, 535+7*
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