DGREGARP ;ALB/DW,ERC - Address audit reports ; 8/1/08 1:21pm
Source file <DGREGARP.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN(TYPE) | ;Entry point
MEMBER() | ;Return 0 if mail group has no local or remote member
QUE | ;Que the task if user invokes option
PRESORT | ;Sort for the report
;Create the email message.
REPORT | ;Create the address change report body
GEN(DGNAME,DGSSN,DGDFN) | ;General information for each patient
OLD(DGNAME,DGSSN,DGDFN) | ;Get address as of 24 hours ago, assuming audits are on for all
NEW(DGNAME,DGSSN,DGDFN) | ;Get current address
PRSCPT(DGDFN) | ;Display if the patient has active prescription
EXIT | ||
CHKPAR | ;Check if audit is on for the fields
RANGE(RESULT) | ;Get the range of the reports
SORT(RANGE,TYPE) | ;Build the temp global to display
SCRN(TYPE,DGIEN) | ;Screen Audit file to find address changes.
BUILD(TYPE,DGIEN) | ;Build temp global
LNPLUS | ;Increase line number for the email text
HEADER | ;Report header
TOTAL | ;Get the total of the patients
EMAIL(TYPE) | ;Email the report to mailgroup.
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^XMB(3.8 - [#3.8] | FIND1^DIC |
3.812 | LIST^DIC |