DGREGTE2 ;ALB/BAJ,TDM,BDB - Temporary & Confidential Address Support Routine; 02/27/2006 ; 22 Mar 2017 1:10 PM
Source file <DGREGTE2.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
GETOLD(DGCMP,DFN,TYPE) | ;populate array with existing address info
INPT1(DFN,FORGN,PSTR) | ; address input prompts
SURE() | ; Are you sure prompt
SKIP(DGN,DGINPUT) | ; determine whether or not to skip the prompt
INIT | ; initialize variables
; This tag reads the table at FLDDAT (below) to set relationship between ; variables and Field numbers. ; ; Set up array of fields needed |
FLDDAT | ; Table of field values STRUCTURE --> Description;;Type;Variable Name;Field Number
FLDPRMPT | ;Table of prompts and responses STRUCTURE --> Description;;Field;Old Value;New Value;Response Code
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DPT - [#2] | GETS^DIQ |