DGRRLU1 ;alb/aas - DG Replacement and Rehosting RPC for VADPT ;1/4/06 11:31
Source file <DGRRLU1.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
BUS(RESULT,PARAMS) | ; -- return business logic data for 1 patient in xml format
; -- RPC: DGRR GET PTLK BUSINESS DATA ; ; -- input [required] PARAMS("PATIENT_ID_TYPE") = 'DFN' or 'ICN' ; [required] PARAMS("PATIENT_ID") = a DFN value or an ICN value ; [required] PARAMS("USER_ID_TYPE") = 'VPID' or 'DUZ' ; [required] PARAMS("USER_ID") = value of a VPID, or DUZ ; [optional] PARAMS("USER_INSTITUTION") = Station # (Defaults to DUZ(2) if not received) ; [temporary/optional] PARAMS("PATIENT_RECORD_FLAG") = Optional. If 1 the query returns old version of the patient_record_flag business rule ; ; -- returns result array that contains XML document containing data for 12 checks of patient ; related to lookup that is executed in the business layer. See Patient Lookup documentation ; for logic ; |
USER | ; establish the DUZ from User ID
INSTTTN | ; set institution to USER_INSTITUTION if available else set to default institution
PATIENT | ; establish Patient VPID from Patient ID
; -- display order from old SRS ; Messages will display in the following order: ; emp SSN mission, Similar, Deceased, Security (sometimes), CWAD, Missing, Test, Enrollment and Means Test. ; |
0 | ; -- employee SSN missing from new person file
1 | ; -- similar patients, Checks the BS5 cross reference for similar patients and matches last name
; bs5 index is first character of last name concatenated with last 4 of ssn. ; give warning, ask if okay, ; |
2 | ; -- deceased patient
; give warning if patient is deceased |
3 | ; -- accessing own record and user doesn't have dg record access key and MAS parameter to restrict patient records=yes
; check parameter first, check key second. if (param && !userKey), if (emp ssn == to pt ssn) don't allow (check format of ssn) ; if (empssn=="") tell them to get added and don't allow access |
4 | ; -- primary elig = employee and user doesn't hold dg security office key,from EMPL^DGSEC4(DFN)
; give message and log if chosen |
5 | ; -- sensitive record and user doesn't have the dg sensitivity key
; ask to continue, if yes, log if chosen |
6 | ; -- cwad for patient (C)risis notes, Clinical (W)arnings, (A)lergies, and Advance (D)irectives
7 | ; -- patient on MPR, see if patient is listed in Missing Patient Register
8 | ; -- test patient
; if (dataColumn=1) display message. |
9 | ; -- enrollment information FROM DPTLK, Provide Enrollment data for user notification
; ; If patient is NOT ELIGIBLE, display Enrollment Status (Ineligible Project Phase I) ; Get Enrollment Group Threshold Priority and Subgroup ; Compare Patient's Enrollment Priority to Enrollment Group Threshold |
END | ;
RPC Name | Call Tags |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(200 - [#200] | GET1^DIQ |
^DGEN(27.11 - [#27.11] | EXTERNAL^DILFD |
^DGEN(27.15 - [#27.15] | EXTERNAL^DILFD |