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Routine: DGYM78EN


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  1. DGYM78EN ;ALB/MLI - Environment check for DG*5.3*78 ; 3/4/96 @ 815
  1. ;;5.3;Registration;**78**;Aug 13, 1993
  1. ;
  1. ; This enviroment check routine will ensure that patches RT*2*22
  1. ; and DG*5.3*72 are installed prior to installation of this patch.
  1. ; It will abort if these patches haven't been installed.
  1. ;
  1. EN ; begin processing
  1. I '$D(^DD(190,300)) D ; check for old barcode field
  1. . W !!,*7,">>> You must install patch RT*2*22 first!"
  1. . S XPDQUIT=2
  1. I '$D(^DD(2,.6)) D ; check for test pt indicator
  1. . W !!,*7,">>> You must install patch DG*5.3*72 first!"
  1. . S XPDQUIT=2
  1. I $G(XPDQUIT) W !!,">>> Installation aborted."
  1. I '$G(XPDQUIT) D
  1. . W !!,"Patches RT*2*22 and DG*5.3*72 found..."
  1. . I XPDENV=1 W "continuing with installation"
  1. Q