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Routine: DICF4

Package: VA FileMan

Routine: DICF4


DICF4 ;SEA/TOAD,SF/TKW-VA FileMan: Finder, (pointer indexes) ;2014-12-12 12:14 PM

Source Information

Source file <DICF4.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
; PREPIX^DICF2--transform value for indexed pointer field
P1 ; Process regular pointer
P2 ; Process variable pointer
SETIX(DIFORCE,DINDEX,DIX,DIF) ; If user passes list of indexes to use on pointed-to file, set up to use them.
BLDSCR(DISCR,DINEW,DIPRV,DIFL,DINDEX,DISCREEN,DIFILE) ; Build screen to make sure entry is in pointer index.
SETDA(DIEN) ; Return code that sets DA array to current level when pointer field is in a multiple. DA itself=DA(1).
DIC(DIC,DIEN,DIFILE,DINDEX,DIVALUE,DITARGET) ; If we were called from ^DIC, we want to do recursive lookup there.
; error logging procedure
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