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Routine: DICL2

Package: VA FileMan

Routine: DICL2


DICL2 ;SEA/TOAD,SF/TKW-VA FileMan: Lookup: Lister, Part 3 ;11JUNE2008

Source Information

Source file <DICL2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
S1 ; entries tagged for archiving, or missing the .01 or already on
; the list should be screened out.
S2 ; execute any screen on transformed lookup values
S3 ; Additional screening for using an alternate index for loop through file.
S4 ; Execute Screen parameter, whole file screen.
; accept an entry into the output list
A1 ; if we're doing the final pass (just looking to see if there are any
; more entries), we don't actually add it to the list, just note what
; we found and quit
A2 ; increment the number found; if it's the max, we flag to make the
; next pass a final just looking pass
A3 ; increment (or decrement) the output list subscript
A4 ; output the specified values of the record
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