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Routine: DINIT00D


Go to the documentation of this file.
 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;=A file or subfile must have only one string of fields associated with it.
 ;;=File #|FILE| appears more than once in the import with different fields.
 ;;=FILE^File or subfile number.
 ;;=The device for printing the Import report was not properly specified.
 ;;=This could be caused either by a user's response or by the  
 ;;=device specifications passed to the FILE^DDMP call.  The problem
 ;;=could involve either device or queuing instructions.
 ;;=There is an error in device selection or queuing setup.
 ;;=The record being imported has no data.
 ;;=The record being imported has no data.
 ;;=When parsing the imported record, more fields were found than expected.
 ;;=There were either more delimiter-pieces than expected or the length of a
 ;;=fixed length import was too long.  This probably means that the incoming
 ;;=file is corrupted.
 ;;=There are more fields in the incoming record than expected.
 ;;=A requested import template does not exist in the Import Template file
 ;;=for the file being imported into.
 ;;=Import template |1| does not exist for File #|FILE|.
 ;;=1^Template name.
 ;;=FILE^File number.
 ;;=Initial call to ^DDS failed.
 ;;=An error was encountered during Form compilation.
 ;;=1^Form name
 ;;=The specified field is missing or invalid.
 ;;=The |1| field of the |2| file is missing or invalid.
 ;;=1^Field or subfield name
 ;;=2^File name
 ;;=The specified file or subfile does not exist; it is not present in the
 ;;=data dictionary.
 ;;=File |1| does not exist.
 ;;=1^File number or name
 ;;=A lookup in to the Form file for the given form failed.
 ;;=Form |1| does not exist in the Form file, or DDSFILE is not the Primary
 ;;=File of the form.
 ;;=1^Form name
 ;;=There are no pages defined in the Page multiple of the given form.
 ;;=Form |1| contains no pages.
 ;;=1^Form name
 ;;=The given page was not found on the form.
 ;;=The form does not contain a page |1|.
 ;;=1^Page name or number
 ;;=The call to the specified ScreenMan utility failed.
 ;;=NOTE: The programmer call to the |1| ScreenMan utility failed.
 ;;=1^ScreenMan utility entry point.
 ;;=Errors were encountered while attempting to load the page.
 ;;=Page |1| (|2|) could not be loaded.
 ;;=1^Page number
 ;;=2^Page name