- ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
- ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
- ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
- ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
- ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- ;
- F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
- Q Q
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8028,5,4,0)
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,0)
- ;;=8029^2^y^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,1,0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,1,1,0)
- ;;=Extended dialogue for asking user whether they wish to COMPILE a
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,1,2,0)
- ;;=template or cross-references.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,2,0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,2,1,0)
- ;;= |1| not currently compiled.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,2,2,0)
- ;;=COMPILE the |1|
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,3,0)
- ;;=^.845^1^1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,3,1,0)
- ;;=1^Contains the word 'TEMPLATE' or 'CROSS-REFERENCES'
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^1^1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,5,1,0)
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,0)
- ;;=8030^2^y^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,1,0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2931110^^^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,1,1,0)
- ;;=Warning to user that SORT/PRINT templates are uneditable because the PRINT
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,1,2,0)
- ;;=TEMPLATE field on the SORT TEMPLATE has linked it with a print template.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,0)
- ;;=^^7^7^2931112^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,1,0)
- ;;=Because this Sort Template has been linked with the Print Template
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,2,0)
- ;;=|1|, neither template can be edited from this option.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,3,0)
- ;;=
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,4,0)
- ;;=To edit the templates, first use the FileMan TEMPLATE EDIT
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,5,0)
- ;;=option to edit the Sort Template, and delete the field called
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,6,0)
- ;;='PRINT TEMPLATE'. Then, the templates can be edited from
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,7,0)
- ;;=the PRINT option.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,3,0)
- ;;=^.845^1^1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,3,1,0)
- ;;=1^Name of associated PRINT TEMPLATE.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^1^1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,5,1,0)
- ;;=DIP^EN
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,0)
- ;;=8031^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2931110^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,1,1,0)
- ;;=Warning that compiled routine names may get too long.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,2,0)
- ;;=^^3^3^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,2,1,0)
- ;;=WARNING!! Since the namespace for this routine is so long, use the
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,2,2,0)
- ;;=largest possible size to compile these routines. Otherwise, FileMan may
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,2,3,0)
- ;;=run out of routine names.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^3^3
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,5,1,0)
- ;;=DIPZ^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,5,2,0)
- ;;=DIEZ^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,5,3,0)
- ;;=DIKZ^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,0)
- ;;=8032^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2930702^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,1,1,0)
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,2,1,0)
- ;;=Search Template
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,0)
- ;;=8033^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2930701^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,1,1,0)
- ;;=the words INPUT TEMPLATE to use in any FileMan dialog.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,2,1,0)
- ;;=Input Template
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^2^2
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,5,1,0)
- ;;=DIEZ^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,5,2,0)
- ;;=DIEZ^EN
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,0)
- ;;=8034^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2930701^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,1,1,0)
- ;;=The words PRINT TEMPLATE to use in any FileMan dialog.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,2,1,0)
- ;;=Print Template
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^2^2
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,5,1,0)
- ;;=DIPZ^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,5,2,0)
- ;;=DIPZ^EN
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,0)
- ;;=8035^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2930701^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,1,1,0)
- ;;=The words SORT TEMPLATE to use in any FileMan dialog.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,2,1,0)
- ;;=Sort Template
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^1^1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,5,1,0)
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,0)
- ;;=8036^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2930702^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,1,1,0)
- ;;=The words CROSS-REFERENCE(S) to use in any FileMan Dialog.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,2,1,0)
- ;;=Cross-Reference(s)
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^2^2
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,5,1,0)
- ;;=DIKZ^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,5,2,0)
- ;;=DIKZ^EN
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,0)
- ;;=8037^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,1,1,0)
- ;;=The word SORT to use in any FileMan dialog.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2940526^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,2,1,0)
- ;;=sort
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^1^1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,5,1,0)
- ;;=DIP^EN1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,0)
- ;;=8038^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,1,1,0)
- ;;=The word SEARCH to use in any FileMan dialog.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2940526^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,2,1,0)
- ;;=search
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,5,0)
- ;;=^.841^2^2
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,5,1,0)
- ;;=DIP^EN1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,5,2,0)
- ;;=DIS^ENS
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,0)
- ;;=8040^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2940314^^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,1,1,0)
- ;;=Advice for the Yes/No question
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2940314^^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,2,1,0)
- ;;=Answer with 'Yes' or 'No'
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8041,0)
- ;;=8041^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8041,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2940310^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8041,2,1,0)
- ;;=This is a required response. Enter '^' to exit
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,0)
- ;;=8042^2^y^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,1,0)
- ;;=^^2^2^2940315^^^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,1,1,0)
- ;;=This 'Select' prompt may be used for dialogs with filenames.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,1,2,0)
- ;;=Note: Dialog will be used with $$EZBLD^DIALOG call, only one text line!!
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,2,0)
- ;;=1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,2,1,0)
- ;;=Select |1|:
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,3,0)
- ;;=^.845^1^1
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,3,1,0)
- ;;=1^Name of the file
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,0)
- ;;=8043^2^^5
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,1,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2940314^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,1,1,0)
- ;;=Used for date time input to the reader.
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,2,0)
- ;;=^^1^1^2940314^^
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,2,1,0)
- ;;= and time
- ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8044,0)
- ;;=8044^2^^5
- --- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDINIT00I 7238 printed Feb 19, 2025@00:16 Page 2
- +1 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
- +2 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
- +3 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
- +4 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
- +5 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- +6 ;
- +7 FOR I=1:2
- if X=""
- SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
- SET X=$EXTRACT(X,4,999)
- if $ASCII(Y)=126
- SET I=I+1
- SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
- if $ASCII(Y)=61
- SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)
- SET @X=Y
- +1 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8028,5,4,0)
- +2 ;;=DIOZ^ENCU
- +3 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,0)
- +4 ;;=8029^2^y^5
- +5 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,1,0)
- +6 ;;=^^2^2^2931110^
- +7 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,1,1,0)
- +8 ;;=Extended dialogue for asking user whether they wish to COMPILE a
- +9 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,1,2,0)
- +10 ;;=template or cross-references.
- +11 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,2,0)
- +12 ;;=^^2^2^2931110^
- +13 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,2,1,0)
- +14 ;;= |1| not currently compiled.
- +15 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,2,2,0)
- +16 ;;=COMPILE the |1|
- +17 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,3,0)
- +18 ;;=^.845^1^1
- +19 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,3,1,0)
- +20 ;;=1^Contains the word 'TEMPLATE' or 'CROSS-REFERENCES'
- +21 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,5,0)
- +22 ;;=^.841^1^1
- +23 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8029,5,1,0)
- +24 ;;=DIOZ^ENCU
- +25 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,0)
- +26 ;;=8030^2^y^5
- +27 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,1,0)
- +28 ;;=^^2^2^2931110^^^^
- +29 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,1,1,0)
- +30 ;;=Warning to user that SORT/PRINT templates are uneditable because the PRINT
- +31 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,1,2,0)
- +32 ;;=TEMPLATE field on the SORT TEMPLATE has linked it with a print template.
- +33 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,0)
- +34 ;;=^^7^7^2931112^
- +35 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,1,0)
- +36 ;;=Because this Sort Template has been linked with the Print Template
- +37 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,2,0)
- +38 ;;=|1|, neither template can be edited from this option.
- +39 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,3,0)
- +40 ;;=
- +41 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,4,0)
- +42 ;;=To edit the templates, first use the FileMan TEMPLATE EDIT
- +43 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,5,0)
- +44 ;;=option to edit the Sort Template, and delete the field called
- +45 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,6,0)
- +46 ;;='PRINT TEMPLATE'. Then, the templates can be edited from
- +47 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,2,7,0)
- +48 ;;=the PRINT option.
- +49 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,3,0)
- +50 ;;=^.845^1^1
- +51 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,3,1,0)
- +52 ;;=1^Name of associated PRINT TEMPLATE.
- +53 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,5,0)
- +54 ;;=^.841^1^1
- +55 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8030,5,1,0)
- +56 ;;=DIP^EN
- +57 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,0)
- +58 ;;=8031^2^^5
- +59 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,1,0)
- +60 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^^
- +61 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,1,1,0)
- +62 ;;=Warning that compiled routine names may get too long.
- +63 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,2,0)
- +64 ;;=^^3^3^2931110^
- +65 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,2,1,0)
- +66 ;;=WARNING!! Since the namespace for this routine is so long, use the
- +67 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,2,2,0)
- +68 ;;=largest possible size to compile these routines. Otherwise, FileMan may
- +69 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,2,3,0)
- +70 ;;=run out of routine names.
- +71 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,5,0)
- +72 ;;=^.841^3^3
- +73 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,5,1,0)
- +74 ;;=DIPZ^
- +75 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,5,2,0)
- +76 ;;=DIEZ^
- +77 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8031,5,3,0)
- +78 ;;=DIKZ^
- +79 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,0)
- +80 ;;=8032^2^^5
- +81 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,1,0)
- +82 ;;=^^1^1^2930702^
- +83 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,1,1,0)
- +84 ;;=Words SEARCH TEMPLATE
- +85 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,2,0)
- +86 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- +87 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8032,2,1,0)
- +88 ;;=Search Template
- +89 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,0)
- +90 ;;=8033^2^^5
- +91 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,1,0)
- +92 ;;=^^1^1^2930701^^
- +93 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,1,1,0)
- +94 ;;=the words INPUT TEMPLATE to use in any FileMan dialog.
- +95 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,2,0)
- +96 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- +97 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,2,1,0)
- +98 ;;=Input Template
- +99 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,5,0)
- +100 ;;=^.841^2^2
- +101 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,5,1,0)
- +102 ;;=DIEZ^
- +103 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8033,5,2,0)
- +104 ;;=DIEZ^EN
- +105 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,0)
- +106 ;;=8034^2^^5
- +107 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,1,0)
- +108 ;;=^^1^1^2930701^^
- +109 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,1,1,0)
- +110 ;;=The words PRINT TEMPLATE to use in any FileMan dialog.
- +111 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,2,0)
- +112 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- +113 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,2,1,0)
- +114 ;;=Print Template
- +115 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,5,0)
- +116 ;;=^.841^2^2
- +117 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,5,1,0)
- +118 ;;=DIPZ^
- +119 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8034,5,2,0)
- +120 ;;=DIPZ^EN
- +121 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,0)
- +122 ;;=8035^2^^5
- +123 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,1,0)
- +124 ;;=^^1^1^2930701^
- +125 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,1,1,0)
- +126 ;;=The words SORT TEMPLATE to use in any FileMan dialog.
- +127 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,2,0)
- +128 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- +129 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,2,1,0)
- +130 ;;=Sort Template
- +131 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,5,0)
- +132 ;;=^.841^1^1
- +133 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8035,5,1,0)
- +134 ;;=DIOZ^ENCU
- +135 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,0)
- +136 ;;=8036^2^^5
- +137 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,1,0)
- +138 ;;=^^1^1^2930702^^
- +139 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,1,1,0)
- +140 ;;=The words CROSS-REFERENCE(S) to use in any FileMan Dialog.
- +141 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,2,0)
- +142 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- +143 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,2,1,0)
- +144 ;;=Cross-Reference(s)
- +145 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,5,0)
- +146 ;;=^.841^2^2
- +147 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,5,1,0)
- +148 ;;=DIKZ^
- +149 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8036,5,2,0)
- +150 ;;=DIKZ^EN
- +151 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,0)
- +152 ;;=8037^2^^5
- +153 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,1,0)
- +154 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- +155 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,1,1,0)
- +156 ;;=The word SORT to use in any FileMan dialog.
- +157 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,2,0)
- +158 ;;=^^1^1^2940526^
- +159 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,2,1,0)
- +160 ;;=sort
- +161 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,5,0)
- +162 ;;=^.841^1^1
- +163 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8037,5,1,0)
- +164 ;;=DIP^EN1
- +165 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,0)
- +166 ;;=8038^2^^5
- +167 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,1,0)
- +168 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^
- +169 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,1,1,0)
- +170 ;;=The word SEARCH to use in any FileMan dialog.
- +171 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,2,0)
- +172 ;;=^^1^1^2940526^
- +173 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,2,1,0)
- +174 ;;=search
- +175 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,5,0)
- +176 ;;=^.841^2^2
- +177 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,5,1,0)
- +178 ;;=DIP^EN1
- +179 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8038,5,2,0)
- +180 ;;=DIS^ENS
- +181 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,0)
- +182 ;;=8040^2^^5
- +183 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,1,0)
- +184 ;;=^^1^1^2940314^^^
- +185 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,1,1,0)
- +186 ;;=Advice for the Yes/No question
- +187 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,2,0)
- +188 ;;=^^1^1^2940314^^^
- +189 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8040,2,1,0)
- +190 ;;=Answer with 'Yes' or 'No'
- +191 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8041,0)
- +192 ;;=8041^2^^5
- +193 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8041,2,0)
- +194 ;;=^^1^1^2940310^
- +195 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8041,2,1,0)
- +196 ;;=This is a required response. Enter '^' to exit
- +197 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,0)
- +198 ;;=8042^2^y^5
- +199 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,1,0)
- +200 ;;=^^2^2^2940315^^^^
- +201 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,1,1,0)
- +202 ;;=This 'Select' prompt may be used for dialogs with filenames.
- +203 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,1,2,0)
- +204 ;;=Note: Dialog will be used with $$EZBLD^DIALOG call, only one text line!!
- +205 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,2,0)
- +206 ;;=1
- +207 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,2,1,0)
- +208 ;;=Select |1|:
- +209 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,3,0)
- +210 ;;=^.845^1^1
- +211 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8042,3,1,0)
- +212 ;;=1^Name of the file
- +213 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,0)
- +214 ;;=8043^2^^5
- +215 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,1,0)
- +216 ;;=^^1^1^2940314^^
- +217 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,1,1,0)
- +218 ;;=Used for date time input to the reader.
- +219 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,2,0)
- +220 ;;=^^1^1^2940314^^
- +221 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8043,2,1,0)
- +222 ;;= and time
- +223 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8044,0)
- +224 ;;=8044^2^^5