;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
;;=instead of an open global root, and the DA array is not defined.
;;=If DIC contains a subfile number, DA array must be defined.
;;=Variable Pointer Lookup
;;= Searching for a |1|, (pointed-to by |2|)
;;=1^Pointed-to Filename
;;=2^Pointing field name
;;=Help for entering maximum routine size for compiled routines.
;;=This number will be used to determine how large to make the generated
;;=compiled |1| routines. The size must be a number greater
;;=than 2400, the larger the better, up to the maximum routine size for
;;=your operating system.
;;=1^Will be the word 'TEMPLATE' when compiling templates, or 'cross-reference' when compiling CROSS-REFERENCES.
;;=Help asking the user whether they wish to UNCOMPILE previously compiled
;;=templates or cross-references.
;;= Answer YES to UNCOMPILE the |1|.
;;=The compiled routine will no longer be used.
;;= Answer NO to recompile the |1| at this time.
;;=1^Will contain either the word 'TEMPLATE' or 'CROSS-REFERENCES.
;;=Help for prompting for compiled routine name, when compiling templates
;;=or cross-references.
;;=Enter a valid MUMPS routine name of from 3 to |1| characters. This must
;;=be entered without a leading up-arrow, and cannot begin with "DI".
;;=1^Internal parameter indicating the maximum number of characters allowed for routine namespace.
;;=Help prompt for compiling sort templates.
;;=If YES is entered,
;;=the Sort logic will be compiled into a routine at the
;;=time the template is used in a FileMan Sort/Print.
;;=Help prompt for Uncompiling sort templates.
;;=If YES is entered,
;;=the Sort logic for this template will NOT be compiled into a
;;=routine during the time it is used by a FileMan sort/print.
;;=Help for the POST-SELECTION ACTION field for a file. This entry is put
;;=in from the Utility option to edit a file.
;;=This code will be executed whenever an entry is selected from the file.
;;=General help for MUMPS type fields.
;;=Enter a line of standard MUMPS code.
;;=The DD for the file of files is not completely FileMan compatible. This
;;=is the standard help prompt for the LOOK-UP PROGRAM field on the file of
;;=files. Prompt appears when file attributes are being edited.
;;=This special lookup routine will be executed instead of the standard
;;=FileMan lookup logic, whenever a call is made to ^DIC.
--- Routine Detail --- with STRUCTURED ROUTINE LISTING ---[H[J[2J[HDINIT00M 7222 printed Dec 13, 2024@02:49:49 Page 2
+1 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
+2 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
+3 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
+4 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
+5 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
+6 ;
+7 FOR I=1:2
if X=""
SET Y=$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),4,999)
if $ASCII(Y)=126
SET Y=$EXTRACT(Y,2,999)_$EXTRACT($TEXT(Q+I+1),5,99)
if $ASCII(Y)=61
+1 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8096,1,2,0)
+2 ;;=instead of an open global root, and the DA array is not defined.
+3 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8096,2,0)
+4 ;;=^^1^1^2971001^
+5 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8096,2,1,0)
+6 ;;=If DIC contains a subfile number, DA array must be defined.
+7 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8096,5,0)
+8 ;;=^.841^1^1
+9 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8096,5,1,0)
+11 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8097,0)
+12 ;;=8097^2^y^5
+13 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8097,1,0)
+14 ;;=^^1^1^2980304^^^
+15 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8097,1,1,0)
+16 ;;=Variable Pointer Lookup
+17 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8097,2,0)
+18 ;;=^^1^1^2980304^
+19 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8097,2,1,0)
+20 ;;= Searching for a |1|, (pointed-to by |2|)
+21 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8097,3,0)
+22 ;;=^.845^2^2
+23 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8097,3,1,0)
+24 ;;=1^Pointed-to Filename
+25 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8097,3,2,0)
+26 ;;=2^Pointing field name
+27 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8098,0)
+28 ;;=8098^2^^5
+29 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8098,2,0)
+30 ;;=^^1^1^2980603^^^^
+31 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,8098,2,1,0)
+32 ;;=file^File^subfile^Subfile
+33 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,0)
+34 ;;=9002^3^y^5
+35 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,1,0)
+36 ;;=^^1^1^2930617^^
+37 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,1,1,0)
+38 ;;=Help for entering maximum routine size for compiled routines.
+39 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,2,0)
+40 ;;=^^4^4^2930629^^^^
+41 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,2,1,0)
+42 ;;=This number will be used to determine how large to make the generated
+43 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,2,2,0)
+44 ;;=compiled |1| routines. The size must be a number greater
+45 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,2,3,0)
+46 ;;=than 2400, the larger the better, up to the maximum routine size for
+47 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,2,4,0)
+48 ;;=your operating system.
+49 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,3,0)
+50 ;;=^.845^1^1
+51 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,3,1,0)
+52 ;;=1^Will be the word 'TEMPLATE' when compiling templates, or 'cross-reference' when compiling CROSS-REFERENCES.
+53 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,5,0)
+54 ;;=^.841^3^3
+55 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,5,1,0)
+56 ;;=DIEZ^
+57 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,5,2,0)
+58 ;;=DIPZ^
+59 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9002,5,3,0)
+60 ;;=DIKZ^
+61 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,0)
+62 ;;=9004^3^y^5
+63 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,1,0)
+64 ;;=^^2^2^2931110^^^^
+65 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,1,1,0)
+66 ;;=Help asking the user whether they wish to UNCOMPILE previously compiled
+67 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,1,2,0)
+68 ;;=templates or cross-references.
+69 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,2,0)
+70 ;;=^^4^4^2931110^^
+71 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,2,1,0)
+72 ;;= Answer YES to UNCOMPILE the |1|.
+73 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,2,2,0)
+74 ;;=The compiled routine will no longer be used.
+75 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,2,3,0)
+76 ;;=
+77 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,2,4,0)
+78 ;;= Answer NO to recompile the |1| at this time.
+79 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,3,0)
+80 ;;=^.845^1^1
+81 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,3,1,0)
+82 ;;=1^Will contain either the word 'TEMPLATE' or 'CROSS-REFERENCES.
+83 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,5,0)
+84 ;;=^.841^3^3
+85 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,5,1,0)
+86 ;;=DIEZ^
+87 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,5,2,0)
+88 ;;=DIPZ^
+89 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9004,5,3,0)
+90 ;;=DIKZ^
+91 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,0)
+92 ;;=9006^3^y^5
+93 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,1,0)
+94 ;;=^^2^2^2931105^^^^
+95 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,1,1,0)
+96 ;;=Help for prompting for compiled routine name, when compiling templates
+97 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,1,2,0)
+98 ;;=or cross-references.
+99 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,2,0)
+100 ;;=^^2^2^2931109^
+101 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,2,1,0)
+102 ;;=Enter a valid MUMPS routine name of from 3 to |1| characters. This must
+103 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,2,2,0)
+104 ;;=be entered without a leading up-arrow, and cannot begin with "DI".
+105 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,3,0)
+106 ;;=^.845^1^1
+107 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,3,1,0)
+108 ;;=1^Internal parameter indicating the maximum number of characters allowed for routine namespace.
+109 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,5,0)
+110 ;;=^.841^4^4
+111 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,5,1,0)
+112 ;;=DIU0^6
+113 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,5,2,0)
+114 ;;=DIKZ^
+115 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,5,3,0)
+116 ;;=DIPZ^
+117 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9006,5,4,0)
+118 ;;=DIEZ^
+119 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,0)
+120 ;;=9014^3^^5
+121 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,1,0)
+122 ;;=^^1^1^2930706^^^^
+123 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,1,1,0)
+124 ;;=Help prompt for compiling sort templates.
+125 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,2,0)
+126 ;;=^^3^3^2931110^
+127 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,2,1,0)
+128 ;;=If YES is entered,
+129 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,2,2,0)
+130 ;;=the Sort logic will be compiled into a routine at the
+131 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,2,3,0)
+132 ;;=time the template is used in a FileMan Sort/Print.
+133 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,5,0)
+134 ;;=^.841^1^1
+135 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9014,5,1,0)
+136 ;;=DIOZ^ENCU
+137 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,0)
+138 ;;=9019^3^^5
+139 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,1,0)
+140 ;;=^^1^1^2931110^^^^
+141 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,1,1,0)
+142 ;;=Help prompt for Uncompiling sort templates.
+143 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,2,0)
+144 ;;=^^3^3^2931110^
+145 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,2,1,0)
+146 ;;=If YES is entered,
+147 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,2,2,0)
+148 ;;=the Sort logic for this template will NOT be compiled into a
+149 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,2,3,0)
+150 ;;=routine during the time it is used by a FileMan sort/print.
+151 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,5,0)
+152 ;;=^.841^1^1
+153 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9019,5,1,0)
+154 ;;=DIOZ^ENCU
+155 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9024,0)
+156 ;;=9024^3^^5
+157 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9024,1,0)
+158 ;;=^^2^2^2931105^
+159 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9024,1,1,0)
+160 ;;=Help for the POST-SELECTION ACTION field for a file. This entry is put
+161 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9024,1,2,0)
+162 ;;=in from the Utility option to edit a file.
+163 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9024,2,0)
+164 ;;=^^1^1^2931105^^^
+165 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9024,2,1,0)
+166 ;;=This code will be executed whenever an entry is selected from the file.
+167 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9024,5,0)
+168 ;;=^.841^1^1
+169 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9024,5,1,0)
+170 ;;=DIU0^6
+171 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9025,0)
+172 ;;=9025^3^^5
+173 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9025,1,0)
+174 ;;=^^1^1^2931105^^
+175 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9025,1,1,0)
+176 ;;=General help for MUMPS type fields.
+177 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9025,2,0)
+178 ;;=^^1^1^2931105^
+179 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9025,2,1,0)
+180 ;;=Enter a line of standard MUMPS code.
+181 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9025,5,0)
+182 ;;=^.841^1^1
+183 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9025,5,1,0)
+184 ;;=DIOU^6
+185 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9026,0)
+186 ;;=9026^3^^5
+187 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9026,1,0)
+188 ;;=^^3^3^2931105^^
+189 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9026,1,1,0)
+190 ;;=The DD for the file of files is not completely FileMan compatible. This
+191 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9026,1,2,0)
+192 ;;=is the standard help prompt for the LOOK-UP PROGRAM field on the file of
+193 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9026,1,3,0)
+194 ;;=files. Prompt appears when file attributes are being edited.
+195 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9026,2,0)
+196 ;;=^^2^2^2931105^^
+197 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9026,2,1,0)
+198 ;;=This special lookup routine will be executed instead of the standard
+199 ;;^UTILITY(U,$J,.84,9026,2,2,0)
+200 ;;=FileMan lookup logic, whenever a call is made to ^DIC.