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Routine: DINIT00N


Go to the documentation of this file.
 ;;22.2;VA FileMan;;Jan 05, 2016;Build 42
 ;;Per VA Directive 6402, this routine should not be modified.
 ;;Submitted to OSEHRA 5 January 2015 by the VISTA Expertise Network.
 ;;Based on Medsphere Systems Corporation's MSC FileMan 1051.
 ;;Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
 F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X=""  S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
 ;;=The DD for the file of files is not completely FileMan compatible.  This
 ;;=is the standard help prompt for the CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE field on the
 ;;=file of files.  Prompt appears when file attributes are being edited.
 ;;=If a NEW routine name is entered, but the cross-references are not
 ;;=compiled at this time, the routine name will be automatically deleted.
 ;;=If the routine name is deleted, the cross-references are considered
 ;;=uncompiled, and FileMan will not use the routine for re-indexing.
 ;;=Help prompt for CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE name when editing file attributes.
 ;;= If the user does not changes the name of the CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE,
 ;;=then recompilation is not required, and they will see this help prompt.
 ;;=It is not necessary to recompile the cross-references, since the name of
 ;;=the CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE was not changed.
 ;;=Help prompt for CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE name when editing file attributes.
 ;;= If the user changes the name of the CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE, or enters a
 ;;=name for the first time, they must also compile the routines at this time.
 ;;= If they don't the routine name they just entered will be deleted from the
 ;;=If the cross-references are not recompiled at this time, the
 ;;=CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE name will NOT be saved in the data dictionary.
 ;;=Help for prompting for compiled routine name, when compiling templates
 ;;=or cross-references.
 ;;=This will become the namespace of the compiled routine(s).
 ;;=Help for the reader: Freetext
 ;;=This response can be free text
 ;;=Help for the reader: Set of codes
 ;;=Enter a code from the list.
 ;;=Help for the reader: End of page
 ;;=Enter either <Enter> or '^'
 ;;=Help for the reader: Numbers
 ;;=This response must be a number
 ;;=Help for the reader: dates
 ;;=This response must be a date
 ;;=Help for the reader: List
 ;;=This response must be a list or range, e.g., 1,3,5 or 2-4,8
 ;;=Help for leaving form
 ;;=Enter 'Y' to save before exiting.
 ;;=Enter 'N' or '^' to exit without saving.
 ;;=Press <Enter> to return to form
 ;;=Help for (Sub)record delete in forms
 ;;=Enter 'Y' to delete.
 ;;=Enter 'N' or <Enter> to return to form.
 ;;=Reader Help for Yes/No question
 ;;=Enter either 'Y' or 'N'.
 ;;=Help message for why the Compare/Merge options should be run during
 ;;=non-peak hours.